Tuesday, August 4, 2015

For Rosie and Belladonna

Ok, so in my career as a Middle-Earthling or a Mordork or a Ringer or whatever is the official name for Tolkien's fangirls, I have seen several tributes to the women of Middle-Earth, like this one

and this one 

and this one 

but I have never seen one that includes Rose Cotton and Belladonna Took.

Rose Cotton 

Belladonna Took 

Belladonna Took was the one who gave Bilbo the "Tookishness" to venture outside his hole, and without her the Ring would never be found or, therefore, destroyed. 

Rose Cotton was Sam Gamgee's sweetheart. He thought of her at the Butt-Crack of Doom and she gave him strength. 

Well done, ladies. Have a banana. 

Now I feel better. I can go to sleep now. 

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