Thursday, May 21, 2015


Customer [12 ish year old gentleman whose name turns out to be Jackson]: Can you make it be Tuesday at 5:00 so we can get the family discount?
Me: I dunno, I'd have to alter the Time-Space Continuum and I don't have security clearanc
Jackson: Ooh, where do you keep it?
Me [points]: in the back.
Jackson: Oh, ok. Bye! [leaves]
Jackson [comes back]: I'm going to leave a donation for you [puts a penny in the tip jar].
Me: Thank you so much!
Jackson: Yeah. Actually I'll leave a bit more [puts in another penny] 'cause you give good customer service.
Me: Aw, thank you!
Jackson: [leaves]
Jackson [comes back]: Actually, you know what? your customer service touched I'm leaving a quarter. Which part of the slot should I put it through.
Me: Thank you! you can put it here [points to infinitesimal crack in the jar]
Jackson: Ok! [tries and fails, puts it through normal slot]. Also, is your manager here?
Me: He is, but he's talking to someone right now, sorry!
Jackson: Well, could you just tell him that I said you're really great? or do you have comment papers I could write it on or something?
Me: aw thank you! you can write it on here if you like [hands him paper]
Jackson: Thanks. [writes "Beth was very good"]
Me: Thank you! tell your manager I said you were great, too.
Jackson: My manager's my mom.
Me: Ok, well tell your mom-manager that you're awesome.
Jackson: Thanks! I'm going to leave another donation [puts another penny in the tip jar].
Me: Thank you! You've got a special place in Heaven for that.
Jackson: Aw, thanks. God bless!
Me: You too!
Jackson [leaves].
Jackson: [comes back] is there a bathroom in the building?
Me: Sorry, there actually isn't, but there's one at Subway down there.
Jackson: Ok, thanks. I hope I can make it, it'll be quite a journey.
Me: Yeah, good luck and Godspeed!
Jackson [leaves].

Note: this is a condensed version of my encounter with Jackson. His two friends were giggling in the background the entire time.

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