Saturday, June 6, 2015

Georgette Heyer Wishful Thinking Cast Part 2-3

The Reluctant Widow

Elinor Rochdale Cheviot-Emily Blunt


Nicky Carlyon - John Bell

"I've been rusticated!"

Ned Carlyon-Richard Armitage

"Do you know, it has of late become an ambition of mine to hear my name on your lips instead of my title."


The Talisman Ring

Sir Tristram Shield-Ben Barnes

"I think we should pour water on her. Cold water."

Eustacie de Vauban -Georgie Henley
"Did you kill that man whose name I cannot remember?"

Ludovic Lavenham-Tom Felton

"I'm your romantic cousin Ludovic!" 

Sarah Thane-Louise Brealey
"I see I have thrust myself into an adventure." 

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