After an intense study on the nature of humanity and of humanity's intricate relationships with fiction [AKA this is all B.S. that I'm making up without providing actual evidence], people will do anything for their fictional universe and its inhabitants. Snape can be forgiven for occasionally being a butthead because he did it all out of love; Sherlock is forgiven for occasionally being a jerk, because he's hilarious and some people are just born that way; the Winchesters can be forgiven for eliminating kids' parents in front of them because it's their job and they had no other choice.
What I'd like to ask is, if something about me bothers you, like my beliefs on Traditional Marriage Vs. Gay Unions or my Non-Outrage re. GMOs or my overall Catholicism or my Unwithering Respect for PG Wodehouse, please think of me as a fictional character who was made that way, because that's basically what I am. Please don't jump directly to, 'she's an arrogant bigoted hypocritical moron who thinks everyone is going directly to hell without passing Go and collecting $200.' I love it when people have as much compassion on their inmates as they do on their favorite flawful fictional characters, and I promise I'll try to do the same for all you heretics. That's all I got to say about that.
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