Monday, August 8, 2016

Is My Climax Cornball?


I think I've already said in a previous post that the reason I don't blog much anymore [thank God] is because I'm trying to write a book [oh, no]. I've got about thirty chapters so far, most of them written and re-written and edited and tweaked and applied with botox or lethal injection, and I think the best thing I can say about it at this point is that it isn't all bad. My primary concern is that I'm not very good at writing. So, I've decided to write more.

My new goal which I made about thirty seconds ago is to write one blog post every week and to share it so that anyone who feels so inclined may tell me what I'm doing wrong and why my writing is only palatable for the uncultured neanderthals of this world who only recently emerged from the primordial slime from whence they came. I said just now that my primary concern is that I'm not a good writer, but in truth I have also been fretting like an epileptic chicken over whether or not my story and characters are, as PG Wodehouse would say, fit for human consumption.

So, without giving away any details or major spoilers, I'd like to run by you [whoever you are] the climax of the sequel that's been bouncing around in my head for about nine months and that I've just recently put down on paper.

The story [hopefully a dark comedy] I'm currently working on consists of characters Girl A, Boy A, Boy B, and Old Woman B. The first book, if I'm successful, will deal primarily between the relationship between Girl A and Boy A. The second book, if I'm equally successful, will orbit around the relationship between Girl A and Boy B. In this sequel [an even darker comedy] I'm hoping, Boy B is going to pull a nasty prank on Girl A, but with the best intentions, resulting in Girl A changing her outlook on life and on herself all for the better. Just before the climax, however, Girl A is going to discover that this change she has recently underwent is the result of the aforementioned nasty prank pulled on her by Boy B, and will thereby become very angry with Boy B and storm off leaving Boy B to fester in self-pity.

Now, at the climax, enter Villain A, who was instrumental in the execution of the nasty prank, and who, for his own reasons, has no cause to love Boy B. Villain A then does something terrible to Boy B, and it's hilarious. Re-enter Girl A to discover Boy B in a state of minor decomposition.

We now come to the Important Part of the climax which consists of a flashback to when Boy B was a child, and we witness him doing Something Secret which

1. Explains one of the more prominent aspects of his character
2. Shows his relationship with Girl A in an entirely new light
3. Raises the stakes in the first part of the climax
4. Makes us feel very sorry for him.

In addition, the transition between the Catastrophe and the Flashback will [hopefully] be such that the reader, not knowing we are now in Flashbackville, will believe for a sentence or two that Boy B has completely expired and will gasp and say either, "Hooray, he's dead," or "Oh, no, not Boy B," depending on their liking for the character.

What I'm worried about is,

1. Are flashbacks considered cornball by the literary community?
2. Does any of it sound cornball?
3. Am I cornball for writing it?
4. If I am cornball, does that mean I'm a terrible person?
5. If it does make me a terrible person, can I do it anyway because I want to?
6. Does that mean I'm going to hell?

That's all I wanted to know. If you [whoever you are] have any strong opinions for or against it, I would be happy to hear them. Don't be nice to me, because I'm trying to develop a thick skin.

Thank you very much and have a fantastic day!

Yours Truly,


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