Thursday, July 31, 2014

Why "127 Hours" Is One Of My Favorite Movies

In case you didn't know, 127 Hours is a movie. More specifically, it's a brilliant movie.


People have brains, and brains, like most things, don't always work properly, whether it's due to some chemical complication, getting the head flattened by a falling anvil, not having enough oxygen, not having a brain at all, or having the brain surgically removed for medical research.

A lot of people with malfunctioning brains are clinically depressed.

If you've seen that episode of The Office (or if you're unfortunate/fortunate enough to have first-hand experience), you know that it's difficult to be depressed and not have thoughts about suicide. 

Suicide, in my opinion (which isn't necessarily right), is one of the worst things a person can do, both to himself and to his friends and family. 

The reason I think 127 Hours is a great movie is that it shows the extremes a person went to in order to stay alive. It shows a man coming to the conclusion that life is so important, I have to break my own bones, rip the skin and muscle in my arm apart with a dull knife, and tear out everything holding my arm together. Also I have to drink my own pee, which is almost as horrifying. 

I don't want to sound all "WOE IS ME," but I have been through some issues with mental illness and watching a re-enactment of the lengths someone once went to in order to keep himself alive is a great reminder that LIFE is PRECIOUS even if it's not a barrel of laughs. 

[Aron has a sort of vision of his future son who watches him cut his own arm off.]

Bottom line: if you're depressed, watch this movie. Or not. Not all people are the same. But seriously, watch this movie, just don't watch when he's drinking his own pee.  

Ignorant Peasants

Sometimes my life is


Ignorant Peasant: Meh.


Ignorant Peasant: *yawn*


Ignorant Peasant: Yeah.

and I feel like Benny in The Lego Movie when nobody will let him build a spaceship.

To be fair, Ignorant Peasants probably have stuff to do and actually know relevant things about life.

Please Have An Open Casket

Normally I don't like giving people advice, but this has been bothering me, so I'm going to come right out and say it.

My grandma died about seven months ago, and she decided before she died that she didn't want her casket open at the wake. I understand why, but I wish she hadn't made that decision because I never saw her dead, and it still hasn't hit me that she's gone. I never had the chance to look at her and think, "this is the last time I'll see her face on this planet. I won't see her again." She feels like someone who's been lost in a plane or boat accident and her body was never recovered, so it's uncertain whether or not she's dead. 

Last night, I had a dream about her, and then I woke up and thought she hadn't died yet. I feel like I'm still waiting, and I keep having to remind myself that she's dead. 

All I'm saying is, when you die, please let your family see you dead. Give them a chance to say goodbye and have closure. 

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

I Love My Life

I'm a stupid person. I complain a lot to myself about my problems and spend a lot of time wallowing in self-pity. So, in the spirit of Not Complaining, I'd like to list everything that's great about my life.

1. My Mom: my mom is gorgeous, fun, smart, and she makes badass homemade bread and quilts.

2. My Dad: my dad is handsome, brilliant, and has a great aura of calm.

3. My Big Sister Mary: Mary is also gorgeous and I hope she'll be a mom someday, because she'd be a great one.

4. My Kid Brother Thomas: Thomas makes me happy with his fun brilliant brain.

5. My Kid Brother Isaac: Isaac is fun to share passion for music and books and movies with.

6. My Kid Brother Anthony: Anthony is a great gentleman and has a brilliant laugh.

7. My Kid Sister Maisie: Maisie is a sweetheart with a great smile and I'm jealous of her eyebrows.

I'd also like to make honorable mentions to the moon, coffee, my favorite books and movies, toilets, music, and spaghetti. I hope I'm not being a jerk for not mentioning God, but my relationship with God is between Himself and me and I'm working on it. That's all I got to say about that.


Who's seen the Hobbit trailer? I saw the Hobbit trailer! The Hobbit trailer was EPIC! AND BRILLIANT! AND IT MADE ME SAD.


Anyway, like I said, the Hobbit trailer made me SAD AND DEPRESSED because PEOPLE are going to DIE.

So I found some pictures of Fili and Kili and put some nice quotes about death and stuff on them.

DISCLAIMER: These are not my photos. I found these on the internet. AND I STOLE THEM! No copyright infringement intended, whatever that means.


-J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan 

-Harper Lee, To Kill A Mockingbird


-Florence + The Machine


Then I got REALLY SAD because it's SAD. So I made 

Bill and Ted's Unexpected Journey 
COPYRIGHT NOTE: Again, I don't own any of these quotes or pictures I STOLE THEM! Credit goes to all the people in The Hobbit and everybody who said all the quotes. Good night!

And I wish I could find more awesome quotes for Fili because I think he's underrated. 

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Peter Kreeft's Insights on Evil and Harry Potter

If everything in my life ran like clockwork and everything was perfect, I would be sleeping now. But the world's a bit like a game of tetris, and sometimes you get that really stupid confusticated piece that's shaped like a z and gets in your way and messes everything up and you have to say, "It's all right, the game's not over yet, it'll work out."

Philosophical rot aside, the point is, I'm not asleep and I need to do something that will make me sleepy. What would actually make me sleepy would probably be reading, but I'm more in the mood for writing, which is more stimulating than sleepulating, but I've decided to pretend it isn't and do it anyway.

I think I've mentioned before that Prof. Peter Kreeft has a podcast episode on Ten Insights Into Evil in The Lord of The Rings. Whether I've mentioned that before or not, it's true, and here is a sum-up of it:

I thought it seemed that the same insights were present in the Harry Potter books too, especially the last one.

1. Evil is Real: 

"Dementors are among the foulest creatures that walk this earth. They infest the darkest, filthiest places, they glory in decay and despair, they drain peace, hope and happiness out of the air around them. Even muggles feel their presence, though they can't see them." -Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 

2. Evil is Immortal:

"Some say he died. Codswallop, in my opinion. Dunno if he had enough human in him left to die." -Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

3. Evil is Obvious:

"This time, I shall enter the fray myself, Harry Potter, and I shall find you." -Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 

4. Knowledge is Not Always Good:

"Harry half wished that he hadn't asked what was under a dementor's hood, the answer had been so horrible..." -Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 

5. Evil Defeats Itself: 

"Voldemort himself created his own worst enemy, just as tyrants everywhere do!" -Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

6. Evil is Used for Good 

"If Voldemort had not forced your mother to die for you, would he have given you a magical protection he could not penetrate? Of course not, Harry!" -Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

7. The Weapon of Sacrifice 

"Your mother died to save you. If there is one thing Voldemort cannot understand, it is love. Love as powerful as your mother's love for you leaves its own mark. To have been loved so deeply, even though the person who loved us is gone, will give us some protection forever." -Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone 

8. The Weapon of Humility 

"Those who are best suited to power are those who have never sought it. Those who, like you, have leadership thrust upon them, and take up the mantle they must, and find to their own surprise that they wear it well." -Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

9. The Weapon of Friendship

"That's right," said Luna encouragingly, as if they were back in the Room of Requirement, and this was simply spell practice for the D.A. "That's right, Harry. Think of something happy."

"Something happy?" he said, his voice cracked.

"We're all still here," she whispered, "we're still fighting, come on now..."

-Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

10. The Weapon of Words

"Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic. Capable of both inflicting injury and remedying it." -Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 

Friday, July 18, 2014

More On The Great Harry Potter Race Of 2014

Update: Isaac and I are both on Book 6. Last time we compared notes, I was one chapter ahead of him.

That's all I have to say about that.

Once I'm free to read without the self-inflicted pressure to completely destroy Isaac for no good reason, I'm going to go nuts with my reading list. Here's what I've got so far:

Short Stores of A.A. Milne
Farmer Giles of Ham
The Adventures of Tom Bombadil
The Silmarillion
Catching Fire
The Outsiders
These Old Shades
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
Short Stories of Edgar Allan Poe
Aunts Aren't Gentlemen
PG Wodehouse A Life in Letters
Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien
A Tale of Two Cities
Miscellaneous Jane Austen
Miscellaneous Georgette Heyer
Miscellaneous Agatha Christie
Miscellaneous PG Wodehouse

If you at this time are thinking, "Wow Elizabeth reads a lot, she must be smart!" you're not unmistaken. In other words, you're wronger than a person who is very wrong about something. I need to read because I'm not very smart, and I probably won't end up reading most of the stuff on my list.

I've found out that if a person hasn't talked to you long enough to find out you're an idiot, he'll automatically think you're intelligent. This has happened to me more than once:

Introductory Person: John Doe, this is Elizabeth.

John Doe: Hi, Elizabeth.

Me: Hi, John Doe. How are you?

John Doe: Wow! You're really smart!

Am I being cocky? I don't want to be cocky. My apologies if I was cocky. Good night!

The Ultimate Playlist For Musical Nerds: Part 2

Here is the next part of The Ultimate Playlist For Musical Nerds. I'm not going to put in lyrics this time, because it takes too long and life is short and I don't want to. Suffice it to say I have some sort of reason for each song, but I don't remember any of them at the moment because it's late at night. Here you are:

Sound of Silence
Simon and Garfunkel
Step Out
Jose Gonzalez
Mrs. Hudson
John Mayer
Dirty Paws
Of Monsters and Men
No Light, No Light
Florence + The Machine
I Am A Rock
Simon and Garfunkel

Ghosts That We Knew
Mumford and Sons
Bridge Over Troubled Waters
Simon and Garfunkel
King and Lionheart
Of Monsters and Men
Wild Child
Black Velvet Band
The High Kings
Get Home
Pippin + Gandalf
The Weight of Living Part I
The Dog Days Are Over
Florence + The Machine
Alanis Morissette
The Adventure
Angels and Airways
Shake It Out
Florence + The Machine
These Streets
Little Talks
Of Monsters and Men
Slow and Steady
Of Monsters and Men
Bring Me To Life

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

More Insomnia Hobbit-Talk

I can't sleep at the moment, and I want to talk more about The Hobbit, so what I'm going to do now is talk about The Hobbit and not sleep, which will work out nicely because I can't sleep and I want to talk about The Hobbit.

I tried sleeping, and I can't, so a little earlier (or later last night) I was browsing through Hobbitty things on Pinterest, and I've come across a lot of people saying they don't like the whole thing going on between Kili and Tauriel.

I have a couple of counterpoints against said people. One of them I think I've already said, but I'm going to say it again, so here it is:

I believe Tauriel feels a bit maternal towards Kili, and Kili is just a bit like a little kid with a crush on a pretty actress, so I don't think they're actually "in love." Besides that, when Kili was talking to Tauriel right after he didn't die, I think he talked like that because (a) he was high on athelas and (b) he was a little delirious. I don't think you can take a person too seriously when he's delirious and high on athelas.

And even if it was serious, I don't think that's such a bad thing. I think I've said before, everybody has his own personal dragon to slay and for some people dragons exist in the form of a troubled love-life. For people who have had bad relationships, it's probably nice to see a good love story, which is why I don't like it when people make fun of Twilight all the time (not that I haven't been guilty of that). It's like Chesterton's saying that "fairy tales are more than true, not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten." One reason I like Peter Jackson's adaptation of The Hobbit is because he portrays Thorin's love of gold as a mental illness, which (spoiler alert) Thorin will eventually overcome. It's a nice thing for people with mental illnesses to see.

Words Cannot Describe

People, upon finding themselves in indescribable circumstances, will often say "words cannot describe" their experiences and how they feel about them.

There's nothing wrong with saying "words cannot describe" something, but I always do a double-back when I hear someone say this, because it's a bit of a paradox. Like, for instance, if I told you "words cannot describe how excited I am for the next Hobbit movie," you could say to me, "But you just used the words 'words cannot describe' to describe how excited you are for the next Hobbit movie. So logically, words can describe how excited you are for the next Hobbit movie, and you were lying about how excited you are about the next Hobbit movie. What you could have said would've been 'only the words 'words cannot describe' describe how excited I am for the next Hobbit movie.' " 

But then, I could say something like, "But if I said that, it would mean that some words do describe how excited I am for the next Hobbit movie, so I wouldn't be allowed to use the words 'words cannot describe' at all."

To which you could say, "Then you should have said, 'most words cannot describe how excited I am for the next Hobbit movie.' "

This is a stupid way to write this. I'm going to make it a dialogue. 

Me: Words cannot describe how excited I am for the next Hobbit movie. 

You: But you just used the words "words cannot describe" to describe how excited you are for the next Hobbit movie. So logically, words can describe how excited you are for the next Hobbit movie, and you were lying about how excited you are about the next Hobbit movie. You should have said, "only the words 'words cannot describe' describe how excited I am for the next Hobbit movie."

Me: But if I said that, it would mean that some words do describe how excited I am for the next Hobbit movie, so I wouldn't be allowed to use the words "words cannot describe" at all. 

You: Then you should have said, "most words cannot describe how excited I am for the next Hobbit movie."

Me: Yeah, but if I said that, you'd've asked me which words can describe how excited I am about the next Hobbit movie. And then I'd've had to come up with words that do describe how excited I am about the next Hobbit movie, which would take up a lot of time I could have otherwise spent catching up to Isaac in The Great Harry Potter Race Of 2014 or bumming around at Barnes & Noble. Plus, there are no words that can describe how excited I am about the next Hobbit movie. 

You: You say that, but you just used the words "there," "are," "no," "words," "that," "can," and "describe." So, what you need to say is "No single word by itself with no other words attached can describe how excited I am about the next Hobbit movie."

Me: Yes, there we go. 

You: So, let's try this conversation again. Elizabeth, exactly how excited are you about the next Hobbit movie. 

Me: 450. 

You: What? Like, out of 1000?

Me: No, just 450. 

You: Ok. That doesn't make any sense, plus you were supposed to say, "No single word by itself with no other words attached can describe how excited I am about the next Hobbit movie."

Me: I know, it's just that after you told me how to say it right, I didn't feel like saying it right because you told me to, and I don't like doing what you say. I've been an adult for two years and I can say things how I like unless it's rude or illegal. Plus it's fun to answer questions like that with a random number just to throw you off. 

You: All right, fair enough, but "450" by itself doesn't tell me how excited you are about the next Hobbit movie. 

Me: Fine. Suffice it to say that on a scale from Eeyore to Tigger I'm Arthur Shappey excited about the next Hobbit movie. 

You: Who's Arthur Shappey?

Me: Oh! The ignorance! Don't speak to me, peasant. 

You: Fine. I'm leaving. And don't call me an ignorant peasant. 

Me: I'll call you an ignorant peasant if I like! And what's more, you mom's so fat she needs to look down a periscope to tie her shoes!

You: How'd you know that?

Me: Oh. My bad. I'm going to sleep now. Good night!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

A Thought On What's Good About War And Poverty

A few days ago, my family was having a discussion at the dinner table on which country is the best one to live in. The general consensus was America, because we have a lot of freedom and we're comparatively economically stable. 

This was a bit of poop in my party, because I've always had the impression that other countries are better because the family unit is more secure and in poorer countries they don't rely so much on electronics and what-not, so that they have more time to spend with actual people. And maybe I'm wrong, but that's the impression I've always had. 

As much as I like watching movies and bumming around on Pinterest and Facebook, for a long time now a part of me has wished that I didn't have these things so that I would do more reading or chatting with people. Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of very good things about electronics, it's just that at the moment, I'd rather enjoy the good things about not having them. 

One thing I don't like about America is that enough is never enough, at least the way I see it. We have freedom, but a lot of people go on about how we don't have enough freedom, and we need to be able to eat whatever we want without getting fat and have sex whenever we want without getting pregnant, both of which lead to all sorts of pills and what-not, which seems a bit unhealthy to me. Then there's that Lowe's commercial that always says, "Lowe's: never stop improving." If you never stop improving, when the hell are you going to be happy?

 In my opinion at least, freedom isn't necessarily such a great thing. I think it can make people stupid. And what's more, some of the best people in history come from times of conflict and oppression. All the best stories are about hard times and places where people's main goal is to live and be happy. A lot of people in America have all the freedoms they could want, and they're still not happy. 

The thing is, I think people are Knights In Shining Armor, and we need dragons to kill and princesses to save, otherwise we go kaput. People who live in impoverished or oppressed countries have their dragons, and their dragons have often brought out the best in them. In America I think, our dragons are more subtle and conniving and difficult to see. That's all I got to say about that. 

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Poem #37: The Idiot of the Road

There were a lot of morons on the freeway today. This is for them.

There is a man we all despise
for whom I ink this ode
His name we know not, so we call him
"Idiot of the Road."

His black and shiny horseless carriage
roars, "You folk are bland!
aside, you peasant commoners,
for I'm the King of the Land!"

Perhaps, one day, he will be caught
by mobile Men in Blue
and thereupon, he'll lose his head
and all the rest of him, too. 

Wednesday, July 9, 2014


I had some time to kill, so I found pictures of Gollum from several different illustrators, and there are some very different interpretations. You might enjoy looking at it because it is interesting to some people. Enjoy and Happy Hunger Games.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Poem # 36: Why the Wolf Howls

Sir Ludovic was once a knight
for queen and country's sake
His shield and armor shone as bright 
as sunshine on the lake. 

But chiefest of his heart's delights
lay deep within the trees
where dwelt the Queen of stars and light,
a Faerie queen was she.

But there was too a Sorceress
who loved the Knight as well
she would not be consoled unless
she sent them both to hell.

And so, she struck with wicked knife
the Faerie, heart to chin
and trapped Sir Ludovic for life
inside a wolfish skin.

The Faerie fled the Forest where
she once had lived as queen
and flew up through the nighttime air,
an orb with silver beams.

Sir Ludovic the Wolf then howled
up to his queen each night,
 the Moon in turn would smile down
and fill they sky with light. 

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The Super Ultimate Fandom Playlist For Musical Nerds: Part 1

This is part of a playlist I have been developing over the past year or so. No reason for it, it's just fun to do. I don't think probably any of the songs match perfectly with their respective characters, but I don't care. Also I didn't do every single character, because life is short and I'm hungry.

Some of the songs are meant to be sung from the characters' perspectives, some of them are to be sung as if the song's character is speaking to another character, some of the songs merely describe their characters, and some of them are to be sung as if a different character was talking to the song's character. I'm not going to explain all of each song because I don't want to. All you need to know is that each song is right for its character because I declared it so and I am right.

Harry Potter + The Hobbit
Bilbo + Gandalf
Space Oddity
David Bowie
This is ground control to Major Tom/ you’ve really made the grade…now it’s time to leave your capsule if you dare ♪
Mumford and Sons
Like the city that nurtured my greed and my pride/I’ll stretch my arms into the sky ♪
A Dance ‘Round the Memory Tree
Oren Lavie
Winters have come and gone, you know/but I’ll meet you young and free/for a dance ‘round the memory tree ♪
Bad To The Bone
George Thorogood
The head nurse spoke up/said “Leave this one alone”/she could tell that I was/bad to the bone ♪
Carry On
When you’re lost and alone/and you’re sinking like a stone, carry on ♪
Bifur + Bombur
They Might Be Giants
They Might Be Giants
they might be rain, they might be heat/they might be frying up a stalk of wheat/they might be giants ♪
Oin + Gloin
Things We Lost In The Fire
Flames they licked the walls/tenderly they turned to dust all that I adored ♪
Dori + Nori
Far Away
Pushing forward through the night/aching chest and blurry sight/It’s all so far away ♪
The Wolves and The Ravens
Rogue Valley
I have no home and I have no land/but it doesn’t trouble me ♪
Snow Patrol
Even if you cannot hear my voice/ I’ll be right beside you dear ♪
Mountain Sound
Of Monsters and Men
Some had scars and some had scratches/it made me wonder about their past/And as I looked around, I began to notice/we were nothing like the rest ♪
Fili + Kili
Icarus is flying too close to the sun/and Icarus’s life has only just begun/this is how it feels to take a fall/Icarus is flying towards an early grave♪
Thranduil + Thorin
Bad Blood
Oh, this bad blood here, won’t you let it dry?/it’s been cold for years, won’t you let it lie? ♪
Speed of Sound
Where to, where do I go? If you’ve never tried, then you’ll never know/How long do I have to climb up on the side of this mountain of mine? ♪
Paint the Sky With Stars
Suddenly before my eyes/hues of indigo arise/with them how my spirit sighs/paint the sky with stars ♪
Kili + Tauriel
Only If For A Night
Florence + The Machine
And the only solution was to stand and fight/and my body was loose and I was set alight/but she came over me like some holy rite/and although I was burning, you’re the only light ♪
All The Right Moves
I know things are looking up, but soon they’ll take us down before anybody’s knowing our name ♪
Seven Devils
Florence + The Machine
No rivers and no lakes can put the fire out/I’m gonna raise the stakes, I’m gonna smoke you out ♪
I was left to my own devices/many days fell away with nothing to show/ and the walls kept tumbling down in the city that we loved/ great clouds rolled over the hills bringing darkness from above ♪
Harry + Ginny
Five For Fighting
I’m just a realistic man, a bottle filled with shells and sand/ afraid to love beyond what I could lose when it comes to you ♪
It’s Time
Imagine Dragons
It’s time to begin isn’t it? / I get a little bit bigger but then I’ll admit/ I’m just the same as I was ♪
All This And Heaven Too
Florence + The Machine
And the heart is hard to translate…but with all my education, I can’t seem to command it ♪
Ron + Hermione
Kiss With a Fist
Florence + The Machine
Break the lock if it don’t fit/ a kick in the teeth is good for some/ a kiss with a fist is better than none ♪
Florence + The Machine
No more cawing like a crow for a boy, for a body in the garden ♪
Fred + George
Call Them Brothers
Regina Spektor + Only Son
That’s it, it’s split it won’t recover, so frame the halves and call them brothers ♪
I’m Going Out In Style
Dropkick Murphys
♪ You can bury me with an enemy in Mount Cavalry/ you can stack me on a pyre and soak me down with whisky/ you can roast me to a blackened crisp and throw me in a pile/I could really give a shit I’m going out in style ♪
Postcards From Italy
The shattered soul, following close but nearly twice as slow/ In my good times, there were always golden rocks to throw ♪
Elephant Gun
If I was young, I’d flee this town/I’d bury my dreams underground/as did I we drink to die ♪
Florence + The Machine
A man who’s pure of heart and says his prayers at night/may still become a wolf when the autumn moon is bright ♪
Florence + The Machine
Say my name and every color illuminates/we are shining and we will never be afraid again ♪
Imagine Dragons
I’m waking up, I feel it in my bones/ enough to make my systems go/ welcome to the new age ♪
One More Time With Feeling
Regina Spektor
♪ say it in your mind until you know that the words are right/this is why we fight ♪
Prof. McGonagall
On The Radio
Regina Spektor
we were on our knees/ praying that the disease/ would leave the ones we love/and never come again ♪
At The Zoo
Simon and Garfunkel
orangutans are skeptical of changes in their cages/ and the zookeeper is very fond of rum ♪
Prof. Snape
The Funeral
Band of Horses
I’m coming up only to show you wrong ♪