Thursday, July 31, 2014

Why "127 Hours" Is One Of My Favorite Movies

In case you didn't know, 127 Hours is a movie. More specifically, it's a brilliant movie.


People have brains, and brains, like most things, don't always work properly, whether it's due to some chemical complication, getting the head flattened by a falling anvil, not having enough oxygen, not having a brain at all, or having the brain surgically removed for medical research.

A lot of people with malfunctioning brains are clinically depressed.

If you've seen that episode of The Office (or if you're unfortunate/fortunate enough to have first-hand experience), you know that it's difficult to be depressed and not have thoughts about suicide. 

Suicide, in my opinion (which isn't necessarily right), is one of the worst things a person can do, both to himself and to his friends and family. 

The reason I think 127 Hours is a great movie is that it shows the extremes a person went to in order to stay alive. It shows a man coming to the conclusion that life is so important, I have to break my own bones, rip the skin and muscle in my arm apart with a dull knife, and tear out everything holding my arm together. Also I have to drink my own pee, which is almost as horrifying. 

I don't want to sound all "WOE IS ME," but I have been through some issues with mental illness and watching a re-enactment of the lengths someone once went to in order to keep himself alive is a great reminder that LIFE is PRECIOUS even if it's not a barrel of laughs. 

[Aron has a sort of vision of his future son who watches him cut his own arm off.]

Bottom line: if you're depressed, watch this movie. Or not. Not all people are the same. But seriously, watch this movie, just don't watch when he's drinking his own pee.  

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