Friday, July 18, 2014

More On The Great Harry Potter Race Of 2014

Update: Isaac and I are both on Book 6. Last time we compared notes, I was one chapter ahead of him.

That's all I have to say about that.

Once I'm free to read without the self-inflicted pressure to completely destroy Isaac for no good reason, I'm going to go nuts with my reading list. Here's what I've got so far:

Short Stores of A.A. Milne
Farmer Giles of Ham
The Adventures of Tom Bombadil
The Silmarillion
Catching Fire
The Outsiders
These Old Shades
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
Short Stories of Edgar Allan Poe
Aunts Aren't Gentlemen
PG Wodehouse A Life in Letters
Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien
A Tale of Two Cities
Miscellaneous Jane Austen
Miscellaneous Georgette Heyer
Miscellaneous Agatha Christie
Miscellaneous PG Wodehouse

If you at this time are thinking, "Wow Elizabeth reads a lot, she must be smart!" you're not unmistaken. In other words, you're wronger than a person who is very wrong about something. I need to read because I'm not very smart, and I probably won't end up reading most of the stuff on my list.

I've found out that if a person hasn't talked to you long enough to find out you're an idiot, he'll automatically think you're intelligent. This has happened to me more than once:

Introductory Person: John Doe, this is Elizabeth.

John Doe: Hi, Elizabeth.

Me: Hi, John Doe. How are you?

John Doe: Wow! You're really smart!

Am I being cocky? I don't want to be cocky. My apologies if I was cocky. Good night!

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