Wednesday, September 24, 2014

More On The Tauriel Debate

People [on both sides] are getting way too worked up. The third movie isn't even out yet, so we don't even know how the whole Legolas/Tauriel/Kili thing is going to turn out. If I were in the habit of telling people what to do, I'd say calm the heck down and reserve judgment until December 17th. 

I've noticed that a lot of serious Tolkien Nerds are pro-Tauriel, and I think it's because she seems like a character that Tolkien could have written. I just finished reading The Silmarillion and as I read I came across characters that were very Tauriel-ish. 

So, people, in the spirit of keeping the peace, shut up until December and then you can tar and feather Peter Jackson. Mr. Jackson said in an interview that in the third film, everything is going to come together and tie in, which is SUPER EXCITING. 

One more thing [SPOILER ALERT]

One of the anti-Tauriel/Kili friendship arguments was that Legolas and Gimli's friendship was supposed to be the first time an Elf and a Dwarf became good friends. 

My response to that is: 

Kili and Tauriel won't have a chance to become good friends because Kili's going to die, which is very sad.

Have a nice day!

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