Saturday, September 27, 2014

Orc-Latin and Elf-Latin

What ho, fellow Mordorks!

After watching Desolation of Smaug about 500 times this summer, I think I figured out how to sound like you're speaking Black Speech (aka Orc Language of Darkness and Doom).

A lot of words/phrases in Black Speech seem to end with the sound "nash." So, to speak Orc-Latin, you just need to move the first letter of each word to the end of the word and add "nash," or "ash" (unless the word begins with a vowel).

For example,

"Onenash oesdash otnnash implysash alkwash intonash Ordormash"

translates to

"One does not simply walk into Mordor."


"Eythnash arenash akingtash ethnash obbbitshash otash Isengardash"

translates to

"They are taking the hobbits to Isengard!"

Elf-Latin is a little more complicated. It is constructed the same way as Orc-Latin, only words that begin with vowels end with "than" and words that begin with consonants will end with "elion" [pronounced "th-ah-n" and "elly-on"].

For example,

"Onethan oesdelion otnelion alkwelion intothan Ordormelion"

translates to

"One does not simply walk into Mordor,"


"Eythelion arethan akingtelion ethelion obbitshelion otelion intothan Isengardelion"

translates to

"They are taking the hobbits to Isengard!"

Actually, I explained that really bad. Let me try that again.

 Orc-Latin: translate your speech into Pig-Latin, If the Pig-Latin word ends in a vowel, remove "yay" and add "nash." If the Pig-Latin word ends in a consonant, remove "ay" and add "ash."

Elf-Latin: translate your speech into Pig-Latin. If the Pig-Latin word ends in a vowel, remove "yay" and add "than." If the Pig-Latin word ends in a consonant, remove "ay" and add "elion."

There you go, now you know everything there is to know about Orc-Latin and Elf-Latin.

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