I noticed lately that quite a few books/movies are titled "The ___ Runner."
The Maze Runner
The Kite Runner
Blade Runner
Desert Runner
Which leads me to believe that, if you want to write a good story, include "Runner" or "Runners" in the title.
Or just take your favorite books/movies and substitute one word of the title with "Runners" or "Runner" and rewrite it.
The Fellowship of the Runners
The Two Runners
The Return of the Runners
An Unexpected Runner
The Runners of Smaug
The Battle of the Five Runners
O Runner, Where Art Thou?
Winnie the Runner
Harry Potter and the Runner's Stone
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Runners
Harry Potter and the Runner of Azkaban
Harry Potter and the Runner of Fire
Harry Potter and the Order of the Runners
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Runner
Harry Potter and the Deathly Runners
The Runner, The Witch, and The Wardrobe
The Runners of the Dawn Treader
The Silver Runner
The Magician's Runner
The Last Runner
The Horse and His Runner
O Runners!
The Scarlet Runner
The Runner of Monte Cristo
Gone with the Runners
I realize now that repeating a word over and over again makes it stop sounding like a word. Lemony Snicket did that to me once when he filled an entire page with "never ever ever ever.." I love that man.
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