Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia: n. fear of long words
is a difficult word to say;
it is also the name of an island
that I happened across one day.
Unfortunately, the folk who dwell there
don't understand long words,
and so they resort to simpler ones
like "waffle" and "button" and "birds."
I sailed there once on my little boat
in search of a certain tree,
doing research for a book to be called
The Life of the English Bee.
But, alas, when my boat hit the sandy shore,
my tree was not to be found.
But then I thought, "I'll ask the King,
perhaps he's seen one around."
And so I passed through the palace gates
and entered the Monarch's rooms;
the King sat cheerfully eating an apple tart
with a runcible spoon.
I said,"Good Monarch, my King and my Liege,
I'm sorry to trouble you so.
But I seek the Malus domestica,
of which I am sure you know."
The King, who wished me to think him wise,
tried hard to assemble his face
so that it would not be a mere blank stare,
while his mind tried to quicken its pace.
He said, "Oh yes, that I know of well.
I believe it comes from Spain.
You never should feed it to rabbits,
but it is good for the human brain."
I stared at the King in marvel, for
I had not expected this.
He knew many facts which I, a well-known
scholar should never have missed!
And so there I sat for a year or two
by the side of my mentor, the King,
and took in every word he said,
each and every little thing.
Til one day, while we shared an ale,
he said, "You ought to know.
I have no faint idea what a Malus
domestica is, this is all just for show!
"I wished for my people to see a wise king,
but now I want you for my friend.
And that is not possible if all I am that
you know of me is just pretend!
For I am a simple king, simple of mind
and my people use only small words.
we do not understand things like Malus domesticas;
to us, those just sound absurd!"
I laughed, and we've remained firm friends,
myself and that simple king
and I've always remembered to use small words
or he won't understand a thing.
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