My kid brother Anthony is reading Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, and every few minutes he says something like, "Hey, here's another part they left out of the movie! Of all the nerve!"
There's a book by Tomie dePaola, who is brilliant, by the way, in which he tells the story of seeing Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs in the theaters as a kid, and got angry that it didn't follow the original fairy tale, so he stood up in the theater and shouted at the screen. I forget what the book was called, but it was a great story.
My point is, people, that movie-people have been "not following the book" since about 200 BC, so we might as well accept that they're going to do it and move on with our lives. If it's a good movie apart from its comparison to the book, then don't let it bother you, just calm down and enjoy it.
That's all I have to say about that.
Do I sound angry? I'm not angry. I just read what I just wrote and it sounds kind of angry. I'm not angry. I'm just being obnoxious and stating my opinion. Unfortunately, we live in America and I'm allowed to do that. If we lived in Communist Russia, I wouldn't be allowed to inflict my obnoxious opinions on anyone, and nobody would have to listen to me, and we'd all live in Peace And Harmony. I would also get my homework done a lot faster and get to sleep at a much more reasonable hour. But then I probably wouldn't be allowed to watch Lord of the Rings every day because it would probably be banned or something, so I guess it wouldn't be worth it. I can't win.
On a completely unrelated note, here's Something Fun To Do: put a movie on in your laptop, if you have one, and minimize it. Then hover your mouse over the tab with the movie in it and, if your laptop is like mine, a little teeny mini-screen will pop up and you can watch your movie in mini-form. I'm doing this with The Hobbit now, and I've got a little teeny Smaug and a little teeny Thorin. Now there's a little teeny Gandalf. They're kind of adorable. I want to pick them up and make them all run around on my desk. Gandalf's trying to look intimidating, but he just looks cute.
Anyway, I'm off to bed. Good night!
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