I just realized something.
Here's a bit of dialogue between Gimli and Gandalf in The Fellowship of the Ring:
Gimli: Gandalf, we could pass through the Mines of Moria. My cousin Balin would give us a royal welcome.
Gandalf: No, Gimli. I would not go into Moria unless I had no other choice.
Here's what it means:
Gimli: Gandalf, let's go to my cousin's house, it's a great place.
Gandalf: What the heck, man? Your cousin's place stinks, and his royal welcomes suck. Gah. Gross! Freakin' idiot, I wouldn't go there in like a silmarillion years. Heck, no. Those are pretty much the worst mines ever made.
Legolas: Yeah, Gandalf, like anyone can even know that.
Gimli: You know what, Gandalf? You can leave!
Gandalf: You guys are retarded!
Sorry, I don't know how it turned into Napoleon Dynamite.
Oh, here's more.
Frodo: Do the Eagles have large talons?
Gandalf: What?
Frodo: Large talons.
Gandalf: I don't understand a word you just said.
If anyone thinks of anything else, please comment. There's nothing like a Lord of the Rings/Napoleon Dynamite crossover. Speaking of which, go on youtube and look up "lord of the rings napoleon dynamite voiceover." It's hi-freaking-larious.
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