Thursday, January 16, 2014


Ok, I'm still in Hobbit mode, so I'd like to share a BRILLIANT idea that me and my brother had.

If you've seen the movie Madagascar (which I haven't), then you know it's about a lot of animals who escape from the zoo and try to get back home. At least that's what I think it's about. What Thomas and I were thinking was that we should make a movie (and it would be a musical, of course) about Radagast, who decides to take all his forest animal chums and put them in a zoo, then they decide to escape and go back to the forest, and the movie would be called...wait for it....RADAGASCAR. That's what I'm Tolkien about. I didn't come up with that one, by the way. But anyway, it's going to make us famous, and we'll make a silmarillion dollars. I did come up with that one. And it's really bad, but I don't care. When Radagascar comes out, if you see it, you'll be Durin yourself a favor. I came up with that one a long time ago.

Speaking of Radagast, I think if Santa Clause ever sees The Hobbit, he'll ditch his reindeer and get himself some rabbits. Not that I have anything against reindeer, I just thought the rabbits were cool. And I know some people thought they were ridiculous, but snails can carry about a billion times their own body weight, so why not rabbits? Plus they were MAGIC rabbits.

Time for more coffee. Toodle Pip!

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