Sunday, September 29, 2013

A True Story

Would anyone like to hear a story?

This is a True Story from when I was about five. I don't remember it at all, but my big sister says it happened, so I suppose it must've happened because she doesn't usually tell fibs.

A True Story

Once upon a time, I was five years old, and my big sister Mary was seven. We lived in a big house in Indiana. One day, our friends came over to play. There was a boy whose name I think was quite possibly Adam, and his little sister whose name I forget, so I'll call her Eve. Adam would usually play with Mary because he was older, and I would usually play with Eve.

On this particular day, Mary and Adam were playing grown-up games in the other room, while Eve and I were doing something else in my baby brother's room. Not that Mary thought she was more grown-up than me; I just always thought of her as a grown-up. Anyway, Mary and Adam decided to join me and Eve in my baby brother's room. We were looking for something. Mary, unless it was Adam, said: "What are you looking for?"
Then, Eve said: "I'm looking for my underwear."
Adam, unless it was Mary, said: "You lost your underwear?????"
Apparently, Eve couldn't remember how she had lost her underwear. Mary and Adam, being the wise grown-up seven year-olds to whom we looked up began helping us look for them.

 Unfortunately, Mr. Adam and Eve's Dad called from Downstairs that it was time to go home. So, we all went down. Eve complained that she didn't want to go home. This was very understandable to me, because it's very embarrassing to accidentally leave your underwear at a friend's house. To cheer her up, Mr. Adam and Eve's Dad lifted her up by her legs and held her upside down. But, unfortunately, Eve happened to be wearing a dress that day. So, her dress came down and she was very upset.

Five years later, we moved to California. We took every single item out of the house and put it into a truck and moved it to a different house, and the underwear never showed its face.

The End

Friday, September 27, 2013

Shopping for People

 I was in the school store today at my school (not meaning that the school belongs to me, just that I go there to learn stuff) and there was a big sign that had a picture of a kid on it and over the picture were the words "Bronco Kids in Store Today." Bronco's our mascot, by the way. So, fair warning, hide your children, because my people will come looking for them to sell in the student store at my school.

It's like a sign I saw outside of Old Navy once that said "Man Sale." I went in and the sale was a "buy one, get one free" sale. Although I don't know why you'd want two men. I suppose you could use one if you didn't like the first one, or you could give one to a friend. I didn't get any because none of them were British or Irish, but then they have to special order those from Europe, so they're more expensive.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Sleepy Time

Ok, nobody read my blog anymore because right now I have 3030 views and that's a very swag number.

I'm really stupid right now because it's almost 1 in the morning. Also, I wish I was brilliant at something. I'm pretty good at a lot of things, but I'm not brilliant at anything so I don't know what to do for a career and it's making me sad because it's almost 1 in the morning and I never had that tea I was going to have.

But on the plus side, my dad bought milk, so I can have some with my coffee tomorrow morning. Hooray! Plus I'm planning on making pancakes and school is starting soon so I can do something other than moan about not having anything to do and looking at adorable British men on pinterest.

My computer battery's dying now, so I need to go to bed and plug it in and brush my teeth and get in bed and turn on my Narnia audiobook so I can go to sleep. But I can't move, because my leg's asleep and I don't want to.

But it's time for bed as soon as I post another quote on my quote page.

Good night!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

An Agatha Christie Poem

I just finished reading Agatha Christie's Five Little Pigs

And I'm bored. So here's a poem about it. Fair warning, it's rotten. 


Five Little Pigs by Agatha Christie

Poemed for you by Elizabeth

There was a girl of 21
who learned, perhaps too late in life, 
her father, painting in the sun, 
was killed by his beloved wife. 

The wife-her name was Caroline-
was sent to prison that same year
to pay for her supposed crime
of poisoning her husband's beer. 

But whilst in jail, she quickly wrote
her innocence upon a page
and sent her daughter that same note
to be opened when she came of age. 

The daughter-Carla she was called-
determined that it was the truth
and though so many were appalled, 
she asked that Poirot find the proof. 

So Poirot went about his way, 
pondering the mystery
and while he pondered, he would say, 
"It's all about psychology." 

He thought, then, he would go and ask
each witness of the dreadful crime
and put each one of them to the task
of writing what happened at the time. 

The first one's name was Phillip Blake
the friend of Amyas-the dead. 
He had no pity for the sake
of Caroline, but hate instead. 

The next was Meredith, a man
who dabbled in the art of herbs
With deadly brews in jars and cans
but he was gentle as a bird. 

The third was Elsa, cool and calm
who had been modeling that day 
for Amyas, who painted long
before he died beneath her gaze. 

The fourth one was a governess, 
Miss Williams is what she was called. 
She doubted Caroline's innocence 
But did not blame her, not at all. 

Then Angela was the last one, 
the half-sister of Caroline
who-when they both were very young-
had hurt and scarred her for all time. 

Then all but for the last witness 
said "Oh, she did it. That I know."
But Angela, she did protest
because she loved her sister so. 

Then Poirot learned what Elsa did
 that had angered Caroline
she flirted much with Amyas 
and said "This man will soon be mine." 

So Caroline, all but one said,
she spiked her husbands daily beer. 
She knew that he would soon be dead
while he was painting Elsa Greer. 

Miss Williams saw Caroline
when through the hedges she did glimpse
put the bottle in the dead man's hand
to best secure his fingerprints. 

Then Caroline said "suicide!"
As everyone came to the scene
but "murder!" Elsa Greer had cried
And that's exactly what it seemed. 

But Poirot, he thought differently, 
as the evidence went through his brain
he thought of the psychology 
and which one had the most to gain. 

And then he said, "It's Elsa Greer!
She poisoned Amyas that day, 
she put some coniine in his beer
because he told his wife he'd stay!"

Then Elsa was sent off to jail
and everyone lived happily
and Poirot went to Carla Crale
and together, they had buns for tea. 

The End. 

I'm sorry, I have to say this because it's been bothering me. 

Being nice to somebody isn't the same thing as letting him do something that you believe is wrong. And if he does do something you believe is wrong, it doesn't mean you think he's going to hell. 

And I'm really grateful that I have both a mom and a dad. 

Interpret that how you like, I'm not saying anything else and I don't mean to piss anyone off. 

Time for more coffee. Cheerio!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

A Murder Mystery

I'm bored.


here's a murder mystery.

Once upon a time, there was a great detective named Detective Inspector Major Brains. DIM Brains was the greatest detective in all of California. He was, in fact, better than everybody else in California. One day, a woman came into the Police Station crying and sobbing something about a Missing Husband named Sir Lord Count du Fuss. The Countess du Fuss said that her husband had gone out to walk the dog two days ago, and neither he nor the dog had shown his face, or any other part of his body for that matter. To comfort her, Brains offered her a chicken sandwich, which she didn't like, so she threw it into the recycle bin. Remember this, O Best Beloved, because it is important.

After the Countess du Fuss had calmed down, Brains offered to search her home for clues as to where the Count du Fuss might be. When they arrived to the Count du Fuss's estate, Brains questioned the butler, the maid, the housekeeper, the cook, and the gardener as to his whereabouts. Each denied that he had seen the Count since he went out to walk the dog. Brains then searched the house, and found nothing except for everything that was inside the house. Then he proceeded to search the grounds. When he reached the curb where the trash bins were waiting to be emptied, he smelled a terrible smell, a smell that could only be produced by the remains of the rotting dead body of the Count du Fuss and his dog.

Brains opened the trash bin, but the Count was not inside. He then opened the recycle bin, and there was the Count, hacked into pieces with his own chainsaw. Brains knew at once who it must be, and he pointed an accusatory finger at the Countess du Fuss. The Countess was arrested and spent the rest of her life in prison. The police asked Brains how he knew it was the Countess. But all Brains would say was, "A chicken sandwich is not recyclable. And neither is a dead body."

The End

Thursday, September 12, 2013

How To Murder People

My family and I have been watching a lot of detective shows lately, and we decided it would be a good idea to have a plan for a perfect crime, just in case we need to murder somebody. I talked about it with my brother Thomas.

Me: If you murdered somebody, how would you do it?

Thomas............I'd stab a guy in a hot tub with an icicle.

Me: Oh! Yeah, so then there's no murder weapon and no fingerprints! Brilliant!

Thomas: Thank you.

Me: Except if it's the right weather to be outside in a hot tub, it's probably not the right weather for icicles.

Thomas: Yeah....but you could keep one in the freezer, and then just keep it hidden while you're on your way to the hot tub.

So that's an idea. Here's another one.

Pretend that I'm at a dinner party with Bob, Ted, and Phil. I want to kill Ted, because he's a moron. We're having Dole salad for an appetizer. I sprinkle some sort of biological toxins on all of our servings, but I put enough on Ted's to kill him. The rest of us will get sick, but we won't die. Ted dies, and the rest of us get sick and it turns out that we all of us ate the same thing (Dole salad). So therefore, it must be food poisoning. Since Ted was my very best favorite pal in the whole wide world, I'm distraught by his death and I sue Dole for accidentally killing him and win loads of money. Then I destroy the biological toxin and hide the remains so that nobody can find it. Everybody's happy and there's jam for tea.

Idea #2:

There's a hill near our house that overlooks the neighborhood. Let's say I want to kill my hypothetical neighbor Frank. In this scenario, I'm an Evil Scientist, so I've created lava that can be controlled via remote control. So, I go up to the hill, dig a ginormous hole, and fill the hole with the remote control lava. Then, I put video cameras all over the neighborhood, go to a nearby hotel with the remote control, and rig up the TV so that I can see the whole neighborhood. When Frank is in the optimum position, I push the detonator button on the remote control which activates the volcano, and the lava runs down the hill. With the video cameras, I can see wherever Frank is running, so I can use the remote control to make the lava follow him, catch up to him, and kill him. Later on, geologists come and say "Well, whatdyou know, that hill's been a volcano this whole time and we never knew it. Oh well. Poor Frank."

If I'm an Evil Scientist, I could probably do the same thing with a twister. I could even make a sharknado. Whatever I do, I'd have to destroy all my plans and equipment so that nobody suspects me, but I'm rich, so I can just move to Australia and buy more.

I just decided, I'm going to be a murder mystery writer and write a book about a man trying to kill his Siamese twin brother. That would be awkward. If they're joined at the chest, he'd have to kill himself, but that's all right because it eliminates him as a suspect. But if they're joined at the hip or something, he could just kill his brother, steal his brother's money and then blame it on a burglar, after wiping all his fingerprints off of everything.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Awesome Bat-Quote

I just wrote a big ole Complaining Blog Post, but it was very complaining, so I'm not going to post it and now I'm very proud of myself. I also feel guilty for being in a complaining mood, so let me make it up to you for almost posting complaining stuff.

Here's one of my favorite Batman quotes:

Robin: You can't get away from Batman that easy!
Batman: Easily.
Robin: Easily
Batman: Good grammar is essential, Robin.
Robin: Thank you.
Batman: You're welcome.


Monday, September 9, 2013


I was chatting with my brothers last night, and Anthony brought up the subject of Batman Villains. He has a whole book about nothing but Lego Batman Stuff. Apparently, there's a Batman Villain named Quilt who can turn people into rugs, which Thomas, Isaac and I found very funny, and it lead to a lot of Very Bad Puns like:

It's Quilt! Take COVER! HA HA HA HA HA


I bet Quilt gets a STITCH when he runs! HA HA HA HA HA HA


SEW, Quilt! We meet again! HA HA HA HA HA


Because of Quilt, the fate of the world hangs by a THREAD! HA HA HA HA HA


Quilt SEAMS very dangerous! HA HA HA HA HA


Batman just PINNED Quilt! HA HA HA HA HA

I'm sorry, but when Whoever's In Charge Of Batman decided to name a villain "Quilt," he was practically begging for a lot of stupid puns.

The Battle of Wits

Has anyone not seen The Princess Bride? If you haven't, then there's a bit when a Strange Man in Black is trying to rescue a princess from a Bad Guy. So, the Man in Black confronts the Bad Guy, whose name is Vizzini, and they have a Battle of Wits in which the Man in Black puts some poison called Iocane into one goblet of wine, and Vizzini has to guess which goblet is poisoned, and then they both drink "and find out who is right, and who is dead."

Here's the conversation they have.

Only in Haiku because I'm bored.

Man in Black:

I put the poison
In one of these two goblets
Now you guess which one.


But it's so simple.
I just have to think of you
and what you would do.

If you were clever,
you would poison your own cup
'cause I'd take that one.

But I could be dumb,
And you don't know that I'm smart,
so mine could be spiked.

Man in Black:

Have you decided?
One is poisoned, one is not.
Choose wisely, my friend.


I cannot decide
because Iocane is from
Australia, right?

And Australia
has lots of bad criminals
who are not trusted.

And I don't trust you,
and you know that so I think
that your cup is spiked.

Man in Black:

You are confusing.
You're overthinking this thing.
You're annoying me.


You interrupt me!
Now I don't know where I was.
Do you remember?

Man in Black:

Oh, yes. I do, chum.
You were talking of that place
called Australia.


Oh, yes. Thank you, sir.
That is where I was, indeed.
I will continue.

This is Iocane,
and I knew where it came from,
and you knew I knew.

Therefore, I believe
that it's my cup that's poisoned
and not yours at all.

Man in Black:

You talk way too much.
And you're really annoying.
You're just stalling now.


You'd like to think that,
But it just isn't true, bub.
I'm thinking this out.

You beat my giant,
which means you are really strong
so it might be yours.

You beat Inigo
with a sword, which means you're smart
and you know you'll die.

Since you know you'll die,
You don't want to drink poison,
so it might be mine.

Man in Black:

You cannot trick me,
I won't give away a thing.
It will not work.


I think it has worked!
You HAVE given things away!
I know which to choose!

Man in Black:

Then make your choice, bub,
This is getting stupider
I want my princess.


Oh, wait a second!
What in the world is that?
That is a weird THING!

Man in Black:

What? Where? Who? Why?
I see nothing, you moron.
There is nothing there.


Oh, there was something.
I thought there was. No matter.
Ha ha ha ha ha.

Man in Black:

What is so funny?
I see nothing humorous.
Tell me what's funny.


I will tell you soon.
First I'll drink from my glass and
you will drink from yours

Man in Black:

You guessed wrong, moron.
Now you are going to die.
Hee hee hee hee hee.


That is what you think!
I switched the glasses you fool!
While your back was turned!

You should not have played
with a man from Sicily
in a game of wits!




Saturday, September 7, 2013

An In-Depth Look at the Life of Steve from Blue's Clues

Anyone who's watched Blue's Clues knows that Steve is brilliant. But no-one really knows where he came from or who he really is. 

Until now. 

Steve's story starts with the Greek gods. The Greek gods, as you may already know, live on Mount Olympus in the clouds. 

In the opening scene of Mary Poppins, we see Mary Poppins putting on her makeup while sitting on a cloud. That cloud was, in fact, a part of Mount Olympus, which means that Mary Poppins is actually a goddess who takes human form in order to go down to Earth and nanny children. 

One of Mary Poppins's powers, as a goddess, is that she can jump into pictures. This is a gift which Steve also has, which means that he is somehow related to Mary Poppins. Our best guess is that Steve is Mary Poppins's son. However, he isn't fully a god, because he doesn't live on Mount Olympus like Mary Poppins, which means that Mary Poppins gave birth to him after she married a human (probably Bert). 

If you watch Blues Clues, then you know that Steve lives in a small house inhabited by inanimate objects which can move and speak, such as Mr. Salt, Mrs. Pepper, the Felt Friends, etc. These inanimate animate objects are a bit like Lumiere and Cogsworth and everyone from Beauty and the Beast. 

So here's what happened: The house Steve lives in was once inhabited by a beautiful but selfish and proud princess with many servants. Steve came along one day looking for shelter and to test the princesses character. He disguised himself as an old, ugly man, and knocked on the door. The princess opened the door and turned Steve away, because he was old and ugly. But then, Steve turned into a handsome man, donned in his magnificent green-striped vestments. As a demigod, Steve has certain powers, so he was able to turn the princess into an old hag and her servants into talking objects. He then gave her a rose and told her that unless she found love by the time the rose had completely wilted, she would remain a hag forever. 

The princess-hag failed. This meant that all her servants would remain inanimate animate objects forever. The princess-hag eventually died, but the servants lived on, because they were no longer made of flesh and blood and what-not. Steve, being a kindly demigod, decided to move into the little house with his dog Blue, whom the gods had bestowed upon him as a gift, and the two of them would keep the servants company in their despair. 

That is what Steve did. And it reveals another thing about his background: Steve had the same power as the Enchantress from Beauty and the Beast, which means that he was some relation of hers. Presumably, she was his sister and the two of them, along with Joe, were the children of Mary Poppins. 

The question has arisen of why a princess would live in a little house like the one in Blue's Clues, rather than a castle. But, as you probably know, there have been many stories of princesses living in small cottages, like Snow White and Aurora from Sleeping Beauty. Snow White lived with seven dwarfs, but Aurora lived with three fairies, who could not be turned into inanimate objects, so our best guess is that the princess whom Steve turned into a hag was Snow White, because no other record of a princess living in a small cottage has been discovered. Snow White's Prince existed, but he was only fond of her because he was an old flame of hers, so he wrote the story with her and the apple for old time's sake, and out of wishful thinking. 

After several years on Blue's Clues, Steve has lived out his time and the gods have made him into a constellation in the sky, and his inferior brother Joe has taken charge of Blue's Clues. 

The End 

Friday, September 6, 2013

Call Me Maybe by William Shakespeare


♪ I sat on my balcony
I was so cute, as you can see
I looked for you, you looked for me
And now you're in my way ♪

♪ I don't give a hoot about your name
I know your family is insane
But I still love you just the same
And now you're in my way ♪

♪ Your stare was holdin'
Ripped tunic, skin was showin'
Where dyou think you're going baby? ♪

♪ Hey, I just met you
and this is crazy
but I faked my death
so call me, maybe? ♪


♪ It's hard to see you dead
you look bad, baby
so here's some poison
to kill me, maybe ♪


♪ Hey, I just met you
and this is crazy
but I faked my death
so call me, maybe? ♪

♪ Oh, no you're dead now
and this is crazy
so here's a dagger
to kill me maybe ♪

Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Raven by Lewis Carroll

The Walrus and the Carpenter + The Raven = The Narrator of The Raven Gets PO'd at the Raven and Eats It

The moon was shining in the sky, 
shining with all her might
She did her very best to make 
the stars gleam sharp and bright.
This wasn't odd, because it was
the middle of the night. 

The sun was sleeping sleepily
Because he thought the moon
had every right to be up there
and sing her little tune. 
"It would be rude of me," he said
"to come now much too soon."

My room was dim, as dim could be
I almost fell asleep
my tales of lore were boring me
and worked like counting sheep
but then I heard a tapping
and it gave my heart the creeps. 

I thought it was my lost Lenore,
walking close at hand
I wept like anything because
I wished to hold her hand
but this I could not do because
she was too dead to stand. 

But seven taps, and seven raps
came from the door again
"Do you suppose," I thought to myself
"that it would be a sin
to think it was my lost Lenore?" 
But only a bird came in. 

"Oh, Raven, come and sit with me,
I asked the bird so black
"A pleasant seat, a chance to meet
and maybe have a snack?
And maybe I should know your name?"
And then the bird talked back. 

The bird said "Nevermore" and then 
it perched upon a bust
of Pallas, who is somebody
I don't know, so I trust
that you remember who he is.
I don't although I must. 

I asked the Raven if he knew
of any sort of cure, 
a kind of balm or sweet nepenthe
for my sorrow for Lenore. 
but then the Raven only said,
"Nevermore, nevermore." 

"I weep for me," I said to myself
"I deeply sympathize."
With sobs and tears I ran and got
some knives of notable size
Holding my pocket handkerchief
Before my streaming eyes. 

"Oh, Raven," said I, wielding the knives
'You've had some pleasant fun
with all my sadness, tears and woes."
But answer there was none
and this was scarcely odd because
I'd eaten him in one. 


I need to complain

Here goes:

1. I feel like an arrogant git because I like showing off on facebook and on my blog and I post stuff way too often.

2. It's hot as heck here and it's also bloody darn humid.

that is all.

thank you!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

A Spooky Story

Would anyone like to hear a Spooky Story?

Then attend, O Best Beloved, and I will tell you one.

In our local library, there is a glass case that displays random stuff that library-goers might like to look at. One of these things is a puppet, one of  the kinds that comes to life and kills everybody in the area for no apparent reason.

Today, I went to the library, looked into the display case and

the puppet



And, as far as I know, nobody knows if anybody knows where it went.

The End.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: The Musical

Act 1: Voldemort Continues To Make A Mess Out Of Everything ("Lumberjack Song" by Monty Python)


♪ I’m Lord Voldemort and I’m OK
I sleep all night and I work all day! ♪

(Death Eaters)

♪ He’s Lord Voldemort and he’s OK
He sleeps all night and he works all day! ♪


♪ I kill my foes, I eat my lunch, 
I go to the lavatory
On Wednesdays I kill mudbloods
And eat them up for tea! ♪

(Death Eaters)

♪ He kills his foes, he eats his lunch
He goes to the lavatory
On Wednesdays he kills mudbloods
And eats them up for tea! ♪


♪ I kidnap kids, I skip and jump
I like to murder muggles
I put on black goth clothing
And get everyone in trouble! ♪

(Death Eaters)

♪ He kidnaps kids, he skips and jumps
He likes to murder muggles
He puts on black, goth clothing
And gets everyone in trouble! ♪

♪ He’s Lord Voldemort and he’s OK
He sleeps all night, and he works all day! ♪


♪I torture folks, I wear black cloaks
Get pampered at the spa
I’m glad I’m not a muggle
Just like my dear Papa! ♪

(Death Eaters)

♪ He tortures folks, he wears black cloaks,
Get’s pampered at the spa
He’s Lord Voldemort and he’s OK
He sleeps all night and he works all day! ♪

Act 2: The Seven Potters ("Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo" from "Cinderella")

(Mad-Eye Moody)

♪ Here is some brew I made just for you
Some Polyjuice Potion for you. 
They'll drink it up now, and what have we got?
Six more guys look just like you! ♪

♪ Here is some brew I made just for you
Some Polyjuice Potion for you. 
We can do magic, believe it or not!
Polyjuice Potion for you! ♪

♪ This brew is part of our scheme
to make them all look like you
and the Death Eaters can't-indeed, they shan't-
be able to tell which is you! ♪


♪ Here is a brew I made just for you
Some Polyjuice Potion for you.
They'll drink it up now and what have we got?
Six more guys look just like
six more guys look just like
six more guys look just like you! ♪

Act 3: Bill and Fleur's Wedding ("Sunrise, Sunset" from "The Fiddler on the Roof")

(Mrs. Weasley)

♪ Isn't that the little boy I carried?
isn't that the snotty girl I hate? ♪

(Mr. Weasley)

♪ I know at first you didn't like her
but it's too late ♪

(Mrs. Weasley)

♪ How did she get to be a beauty?
When did he get to be so tall? ♪

(Mr. Weasley)

♪ Wasn’t it yesterday when he was small? ♪


♪ Sunrise, sunset
Sunrise, sunset
Swiftly flow the days
Weasleys turn overnights to adults
Growing up even as we gaze ♪

♪Sunrise, sunset
Sunrise, sunset
Swiftly flow the years
One season following another
Laden with happiness and tears. ♪

♪ They look so natural together ♪

♪ Just like two newlyweds should be ♪


♪ Is there a canopy in store for me? ♪


♪ Sunrise, sunset
Sunrise, sunset
Swiftly flow the days
Weasleys turn overnights to adults
Growing up even as we gaze ♪

♪Sunrise, sunset
Sunrise, sunset
Swiftly flow the years
One season following another
Laden with happiness and tears. ♪

Act 4: Kreacher's Story ("Gilligan's Island Theme Song" from "Gilligan's Island")


♪ Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale,
a tale of a fateful trip
It started in the Dark Lord's cave 
aboard his tiny ship. ♪

♪ I sat in the boat with Voldemort
And through the lake we went
Until we reached a small island
Whence began that tragic event. ♪

♪ The Dark Lord placed in the basin
A locket that he had
Then filled it up with liquid stuff
Which tasted very bad ♪

♪ Then he got on the tiny boat
And left me there to die
But then my master summoned me
So I came back to his side ♪

♪ Then master got into the boat
And we both floated back there
He said the locket must be destroyed
Or else we must beware. ♪

♪ So Kreacher’s had it all these years
But now, alas, it’s lost
I never could demolish it
I disobeyed my boss. ♪

Act 5: Harry, Ron and Hermione Plan To Break Into The Ministry To Find The Locket ("A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes" from "Cinderella")


♪ Our scheme must be smart and flawless
at the Ministry
We will undermine their prowess
we'll break through their security ♪

♪ Have faith in our scheme, then someday
the locket will come smiling through. 
No matter how our hearts are grieving, if we keep on believing
the scheme that we wish will come true ♪

♪ la laaaa la la LAAAAAA da da dum ♪

♪ dum da dum da deeeee ♪

♪ la laaaa la la LAAAAAAAAA da da dum ♪

♪ da dum dum, da dum dum da deee. ♪

♪ la laaaaa la la LAAAAAAAA da dum dum ♪

♪ da da da da da dum da deeeeee ♪

♪ No matter how your hearts are grieving, 
if you keep on believing,
The scheme that we wish will come true. ♪

Act 6: The Forest of Dean ("Oodelally Oodelally" from "Robin Hood")

♪ Harry Potter and his friends
Campin in the forest
Snqppin back and forth
At what the others have to say
Arguing bout this and that
And having such a rough time,
Oodelally oodelally, golly what a day. ♪

♪ Ever, ever thinking there's Dementors in the area
And always always being so afraid
Ever dreaming that a scheming snatcher and his cronies
Will come follow them and ruin up the day. ♪

♪ Harry Potter and his friends, campin in the forest
Tryin to destroy the horcrux, make it go away
Taking turns in wearing it and getting really grumpy
Oodelally, oodelally, golly what a day ♪

♪ Oodelally oodelally golly what a day. ♪

Act 7: Ron Leaves ("Brave Sir Robin" from "Monty Python and the Holy Grail")


♪ Bravely, bold sir Ronald
Ran away from Hogwarts school
He was not afraid to die,
Oh, brave Sir Ronald ♪

♪ He was not at all afraid
To be killed in nasty ways
Brave, brave, brave, brave, Sir Ronald ♪

♪ He was not in the least bit scared
To be cursed into a pulp
Or to have his eyes gouged out
And his elbows hexed off.
To have his red hair singed
And his freckles scraped away
To have his arm all scraped and mangled
Brave Sir Ronald.♪

♪ His head smashed in
And his heart cut out
And his liver removed
And his guts crushed up
And his nostrils plugged
And his bottom burned up- ♪

Ron: That's enough music for now, Harry. 


♪ Brave Sir Ronald ran away
Bravely ran away away
When Ronald got all sick of it
Yes, brave Sir Ronald turned about
And gallantly he chickened out
Bravely taking to his feet
He made a very brave retreat
Bravest of the braaaave Sir Ronald! ♪

Act 8: Godric's Hollow (The Addams Family Theme Song from "The Addams Family")


♪ Gryffindor's Sword
Gryffindor's Sword
Gryffindor's Sword
Gryffindor's Sword
Gryffindor's Sword ♪

♪ We'll go to Godric's Hollow
I hope we won't be followed
We'll find Bathilda Bagshot
I think she has the sword ♪

♪ We finally finally made it
I do not really like it
It's snowy and it's cold out
but we must find the sword ♪

♪ Gryffindor's Sword
Gryffindor's Sword
Gryffindor's Sword
Gryffindor's Sword
Gryffindor's Sword ♪

♪ Oh no! Bathilda's changing!
She's moving really strangely
I think that she is changing
into You-Know-Who's snake! ♪

♪ Voldemort's snake
Voldemort's snake
Voldemort's snake
Voldemort's snake
Voldemort's snake ♪

Act 9: The Silver Doe ("Do Re Me" from "The Sound of Music")


♪ Doe, a deer, a silver deer
Pray, I don’t want it to run
Me, I’ll follow it myself
Far, wherever it will run
So, it’s going to that lake
Blah, the water’s really cold
Gee, there’s so much here at stake
But I’ve got to trust the doe, doe doe doe…..♪

Act 10: Ron Destroys the Horcrux ("I Can Go The Distance" from "Hercules")


♪ You left us, Ron. 
You went far away
But I'm so glad you're back
I can't believe it's you
You just saved my life
And you got the sword
I think you should destroy
the Horcrux, yes I do ♪

♪ You have found a way
to destroy the Horcrux
Make it go away
I think it should be you
And Hermione's smile
will be worth your while
and right here with she and I 
is right where you belong ♪

Act 11: The Tale of the Three Brothers ("The Sound of Music" from "The Sound of Music")


♪ Now here is the tale of the Deathly Hallows
from Beadle the Bard's book of tales of lore
Three brothers encountered the Deathly Hallows
Three brothers that you've never heard of before ♪

♪ The first one was given Death's wand of enormous strength that could blast off your head
The second was given a magic rock that could bring back the dead
The third was endowed with Death's magic cloak so that he couldn't be seen
But Death wished that they would all die, so these gifts were a scheme ♪

♪ The first one was killed because of his boasting
the second one died out of great despair
But Brother the Third kept himself from croaking 
until he was prepared ♪

Act 12: Dobby Rescues Everybody From Malfoy Manor And Dies ("You'll Be In My Heart" from "Tarzan")


♪ Come, Harry Potter, it will be all right
Take Dobby’s hand, hold it tight
Dobby protects you from all around you
Dobby is here don’t you cry ♪


♪For one so small, you seem so strong
Dobby will take us somewhere safe and warm
He’ll apparate us to Shell Cottage
Dobby is here, don’t you cry
And he’ll be in our hearts
He’ll be in our hearts
He’ll be in our hearts, always
Always ♪

Act 13: Breaking Into Gringotts ("Fidelity Fiduciary Bank" from "Mary Poppins")


♪ I think that one horcrux
Lies within the bank
Safe and sound
But there are many defenses
All around the bank
To confound

But we’ll achieve a sense of conquest
Once the goblet from the bank
Is in our hands and we have got it
Even though the journey stank

When he deposited his horcrux
In the bank account
He didn’t think he’d see
That he would lose lots of safety in generous amount
Hee hee hee

And he will lose his state of stature
As the horcrux is destroyed
And we’re getting one step closer
To have our enemy really annoyed!♪

Act 14: The Battle of Hogwarts ("The Merry Old Land of Oz" from "The Wizard of Oz")

(Various Hogwarts-People)

♪ Jinx, jinx, jinx,
Hex, hex, hex, 
and a couple of wizard duels
that's how we kill our evil foes
in a battle within the school ♪

♪ shoot, shoot, shoot, 
blast, blast, blast,
and a couple of fearsome ghouls, 
that's how we pick off lousy schmoes
in a battle within the school ♪

♪ We got up at twelve to start the fight at one
It's a deadly atmosphere, it isn't fun. ♪

♪ Not at all fun with a
shoot, shoot, shoot
hex, hex, hex
and a couple of wizard duels
that's how we kill our evil foes 
in a battle within the school. ♪

Act 15: Snape's Memory ("When Somebody Loved Me" from "Toy Story 2")

♪ When somebody loved me
Everything was beautiful
Every hour we spent together lives within my heart
And when she was sad
I was there to dry the tears
And when she was happy, so was I
When she loved me ♪

♪ We first met when we were kids
I thought to myself “I’ve got dibs”
Until she met that Potter
It wasn’t meant to be ♪

♪ But when she was lonely
I was there to comfort her
And I thought that she loved me ♪

♪ So the years went by
She stayed the same
But she thought I drifted away
I was left alone
Still I waited for the day
When she’d say “I will always love you.”♪

♪ And then she had Harry
Whom the Dark Lord tried to kill
But he killed her instead so I
Must watch Harry. ♪

Act 16: Voldemort Calls Harry Over Loudspeaker and Harry Meets Him In The Dark Forest ("I'm Wishing" from "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs")

♪ I’m wishing ♪

(Death Eaters)
♪ He’s wishing ♪

♪ For the Boy Who Lived 
To find me ♪

(Death Eaters)
♪ To find him ♪

♪ Tonight ♪

(Death Eaters)
♪ Tonight. ♪

♪ If he won’t ♪

(Death Eaters)
♪ If he won’t ♪

♪ Come face me right now
Then his friends ♪

(Death Eaters)
♪ Then his friends ♪

 ♪ Will die ♪

(Death Eaters)
♪ Will die.♪

♪ Ha ha ha ha ha ♪

(Death Eaters)
♪ Ha ha ha ha ha ♪

♪ Ha ha ha ha ha ♪

(Death Eaters)
♪ Ha ha ha ha ha ♪

♪ Ha ha ha ha ha ♪

(Death Eaters)
♪ Ha ha ha ha ha ♪

♪ Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ♪

♪ I’m wishing ♪

(Death Eaters)
♪ He’s wishing ♪

♪ For the Boy Who Lived
To find me ♪

(Death Eaters)
♪ To find him ♪

♪ Tonight.♪


Voldemort: Ooh!

Harry: Hello. Did I FRIGHTEN you?

Act 17: King's Cross ("The Call" from "Prince Caspian")

♪ I started out as a baby
And then grew into a boy
And then grew into a young adult
And then grew into a real old man
And then that man grew wiser and wiser
Till he was the wisest guy
I’ve come back
‘cause you need me
No need to say goodbye
I’ve come back
‘cause you need me
No need to say goodbye ♪

♪ Just because everything’s changing
Doesn’t mean it’s never been this way before
All you can do is try to know who your friends are
As you head off to the war
Let your memories grow stronger and stronger
Till they’re before your eyes
You’ll go back if you want to
No need to say goodbye
You’ll go back if you want to
No need to say goodbye ♪

Act 18: Molly Weasley Kills Bellatrix Lestrange ("Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead" from "The Wizard of Oz")

*NOTE: I apologize for the language, but in my defense, Mrs. Weasley said it and it works with the song. 


♪ Ding, dong, the bitch is dead
Which old bitch? The wicked bitch
Ding, dong, the wicked bitch is dead
She wanted all my kids
So I cursed her in the ribs
Ding, dong, the wicked bitch is dead
I killed off my mortal foe
My foe, my foe, my foe, yo ho
And now as you can see
I’m very happy
Ding, dong the merry-oh
Singing high, singing low
Let them know
The wicked bitch is dead ♪

Act 19: Final Faceoff With Voldemort ("Way Back Into Love" from "Music and Lyrics")


♪ You've been living with a shadow overhead
You've been living with a cloud above your bed
You've been evil for so long
Been killing muggles,can't seem to move on ♪

♪ You've been taking all our hopes and dreams away
You are gonna end up miserable someday
You need to set aside some time
To clear a little space in the corners of your mind ♪

♪ All you need to do is find a way back into love
All you need to do is find a way back into love
ohhh ohhhhhhhhh ♪

♪ You just need to have remorse for what you've done
Be a little sorry for ruining our fun
You could use some direction
And I've got a few suggestions ♪

♪ All you need to do is find a way back into love
All you need to do is find a way back into love ♪

Act 20: 19 Years Later ("Two Worlds" from "Tarzan")

♪ Put your faith in what you most believe in
Two worlds, one family
Trust your heart,
Let fate decide
To guide these lives we see ♪

♪ A paradise, no Voldemort
Within this world blessed with love
A simple life, they’ll live in peace ♪

♪ Now their kids will start their year at Hogwarts
Two worlds, one family
Trust your heart
Let fate decide
To guide these lives
To guide these lives we seeee
Two worlds one family ♪