Sunday, September 29, 2013

A True Story

Would anyone like to hear a story?

This is a True Story from when I was about five. I don't remember it at all, but my big sister says it happened, so I suppose it must've happened because she doesn't usually tell fibs.

A True Story

Once upon a time, I was five years old, and my big sister Mary was seven. We lived in a big house in Indiana. One day, our friends came over to play. There was a boy whose name I think was quite possibly Adam, and his little sister whose name I forget, so I'll call her Eve. Adam would usually play with Mary because he was older, and I would usually play with Eve.

On this particular day, Mary and Adam were playing grown-up games in the other room, while Eve and I were doing something else in my baby brother's room. Not that Mary thought she was more grown-up than me; I just always thought of her as a grown-up. Anyway, Mary and Adam decided to join me and Eve in my baby brother's room. We were looking for something. Mary, unless it was Adam, said: "What are you looking for?"
Then, Eve said: "I'm looking for my underwear."
Adam, unless it was Mary, said: "You lost your underwear?????"
Apparently, Eve couldn't remember how she had lost her underwear. Mary and Adam, being the wise grown-up seven year-olds to whom we looked up began helping us look for them.

 Unfortunately, Mr. Adam and Eve's Dad called from Downstairs that it was time to go home. So, we all went down. Eve complained that she didn't want to go home. This was very understandable to me, because it's very embarrassing to accidentally leave your underwear at a friend's house. To cheer her up, Mr. Adam and Eve's Dad lifted her up by her legs and held her upside down. But, unfortunately, Eve happened to be wearing a dress that day. So, her dress came down and she was very upset.

Five years later, we moved to California. We took every single item out of the house and put it into a truck and moved it to a different house, and the underwear never showed its face.

The End

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