Monday, June 30, 2014

Harry Potter Race Update and More Mental Diarrhea

Update on The Great Harry Potter Race of 2014: Isaac is ahead of me in Goblet of Fire by about 2 chapters. This is bad, but hopefully it will give him confidence to stop reading and relax for a bit while I catch up and get ahead of him and leave him in the dust, begging for mercy.

Isaac said the Goblet of Fire movie was messed up today, and I told him that I'd heard him the first billion times he said that, and I feel a bit guilty for that, but whatever. There were bits of the movie that stank hellishly, and there were bits of the movie that were brilliant. Whether or not you think the movie was good depends on which bits you pay attention to.

I need to expel some mental diarrhea, so if you're reading this, you can stop now, because the rest is just me saying what I'm thinking to get it out of my head.

My family and I watched a movie the other night, and everybody was laughing all through it, but after it was done they all went, "Meh, that was all right." I think they didn't want to say it was a good movie because it was pretty much filled to the brim with stupidity, even though most of the stupidity was brilliant. I just think, if you get something out of a movie and if it makes you laugh, then that's enough to make it a "good" movie. If you're able to tune out whatever rottenness there is and focus on what's good or fun about it, then it's good enough. And the same goes for books. I heard some adult people talking about Harry Potter 7, and one person said, "wasn't it good?" and the other person said, "it was a page-turner." Even if it could have been written better, doesn't the fact that it's a page-turner make it good enough? People aren't going to think you're a moron if you say it was a good book. If you like something, you're allowed to say it's good.

Like, for instance, my dad didn't like The Hobbit very much and thought that Walter Mitty was way better. I loved Walter Mitty, but I still prefer The Hobbit. No particular good reason, I just liked it better. I think likes and dislikes don't depend on good reasons, they just come from the gut, and people shouldn't have to back up their likes and dislikes with concrete reasoning, if that's a thing. Sometimes when people ask me, "was this movie good?" I say something like, "I liked it. I dunno if you're going to like it, but I liked it." And if they don't like it, that's ok, it doesn't make them superior than me for having better taste, it just means our guts told us different things.

Like I said, I'm just saying this for my own benefit, because it's been in my brain for a long time and I want to stop thinking about it. When people make fun of music or books or movies that I like, a bit of me thinks that they think I'm inferior for liking what I like, and so I mentally start defending things that I like to convince myself that it's all right to like them, and it goes around in a loop and doesn't stop until I blog about it, which I've now done, so I'm going to stop now and have some coffee.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Ye Olde Blogge Poste

My dad is watching Master and Commander, and Russell Crowe just said "Clap him in irons!" I'm not a huge Russell Crowe fan, but him saying that was tremendous. I wish I had a reason to say that. But I don't, because we don't have any irons and not having irons sucks.

Now a guy just drowned himself. That's bloody depressing. Word of advice: don't drown yourself, because it makes people sad. 

Hey that's Pippin! 

Now one guy accidentally shot another guy trying to shoot a bird. That's embarrassing. I think he's going to die now. But he's going to see the lizards first. Oh wait, no, they're just going into a tent and they're going to take all his insides out so they can find the bullet. 

Changing the subject completely, I think I'd like to open a shop or hotel and call it something like, "Ye Olde Booke Shoppe" or "Ye Olde Bedde and Breakfaste" or "Ye Olde Richardde Armitage Fanne Clubbe." And I wouldn't be a posh Englishgentlewoman, I'd be a quaint hobbitty lady. Or Batman. I could wear a Batman costume all the time to throw people off. How awesome would it be to have breakfast served to you by Batman? Whatever job I have, I think I'll dress as Batman every day. 

That's one thing I don't understand. Batman was so set on justice and order, so why didn't he just become a policeman? I suppose he would be bogged down by rules and regulations, and he wouldn't get to pretend to be a bat and fly and stuff, so there wouldn't be much of a point. 

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Lord Voldemort Sings "I Knew You Were Trouble" by Taylor Swift

♪ Once upon a time, not so long ago, 
I had you in my sights, I got you alone,
you feared me, you feared me, 
you feared me-e-e-e-e-e

I guess I didn't care, you didn't like that
and when I cast my spell, you tried to run back
I laughed so hard I peed, I laughed so hard I peed,
I laughed so hard I pee-ee-ee-ee-ee-eed

And you're long gone, 
your body's next to me,
and I'm happy to say, the blame is on me

'Cause I knew you were a muggle when you walked in,
so shame on you now, 
spread bits of your corpse where you've never been, 
I'll bring you down
I knew you were a muggle when you walked in, 
so shame on you now
spread bits of your corpse where you've never been, 
now you're lying on the cold hard ground

Oh, oh, muggle, muggle, muggle,
oh, oh, muggle, muggle, muggle....♪

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

How To Turn Yourself Into A Chicken

I still can't sleep. So here's the Elizabeth Method of How To Turn Yourself Into A Chicken.

1. Eat a chicken.
2. You are what you eat.
3. You are a chicken.

Mind you, you've got to eat the entire chicken. If you eat a piece of fried chicken from Ralphs, you'll just turn into a piece of fried chicken from Ralphs. You've got to eat the whole chicken, feathers, intestines, legs, rubbery red stuff, all of it. And you've got to eat it raw, otherwise you'll turn into a cooked chicken, and cooked chickens are dead, and it's much more fun to be a living chicken than a dead chicken. And now you're probably thinking, "if I'm a dead chicken, then I can be a chicken-zombie, and that would be fabulous" but it doesn't work like that. If you want to be a chicken-zombie, you have to eat a real chicken zombie. If you eat an un-animated dead chicken, you will just turn into an un-animated dead chicken. But if you eat a chicken that has been bitten by a zombie, you will turn into a chicken-zombie.

Now you're probably thinking, "I ate a pizza today. Why am I not a pizza?" There is a very simple answer: humans are simply inferior to pizza and therefore cannot become pizza. If you go on Pinterest, you might find a meme that says something along the lines of "people disappoint, but pizza is eternal." This is called Backing Up Your Claims With Concrete Evidence. If the food you eat is vastly superior or inferior to a human being, you cannot become that food. And, since the food we eat is mostly delicious and unhealthy, you cannot turn into that food.

And now you are probably thinking, "wouldn't an entire dead chicken be disgusting? Doesn't that make it inferior to me and therefore nontransformationable?" The answer is no, because, like the chicken, you also have raw meat, intestines, blood, and other disgusting things I do not care to mention, so you too are disgusting, and that puts you and the chicken on the level.

Believe it or not, there is a point to all this. People in the world have expressed a desire to become chickens. Larry the Cucumber once said "I've always wanted to be a chicken. Do you think God would turn me into a chicken?" (I believe that was in Dave and the Giant Pickle). 

But what, you ask, are the benefits of becoming a chicken? There are, in fact, several.

1. Chickens are fabulous.

I've forgotten the rest. And I'm tired now. Good night!

Miscellaneous Insomnia Brain Excrement

Nothing to report, just that I can't sleep and I've been reading The Adventures of Tom Bombadil, and let me tell you, Tom Bombadil rules.

Also, I have been racing my brother Isaac in reading through all seven Harry Potter books, and he is one chapter ahead of me in book 2. Updates and developments to come anon.

Note: crushing Isaac in the Harry Potter Race will leave little time for reading Tom Bombadil and The Letters of Tolkien. As much as I love Harry Potter, I'm more in a Tolkien mood, and I'd rather be reading without the pressure of wanting to crush my brother to a pulp.

Speaking of Tolkien: I just read somewhere that the next Hobbit trailer will probably come out July 20th or later, which is a bloody outrage, because I want it to come out now.

Annoying Problem: my brain feels like thinking, but I'm too tired to actually think words, so I literally have "Blah blah blah blah blah" running through my head. Literally.

I'm going to put on Desolation of Smaug to tune out my brain, and try to get some sleep.

Good night, and may the hair on your toes never fall out.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Poem #34: The Cook of Shady Nooke

Out in the night,
far out of sight
up on the lofty mountain height,
the Monster slept,
the village wept
for victims that he'd caught and et. 

His claws were cruel
beside a pool
he'd made in sleep while dribbling drool
He dreamt of feasts
of little beasts
with no compassion in the least.

And so the Cook
of Shady Nooke 
went to the bookshop for a book
on how to slay
such beasts who prey
on smaller creatures, day by day. 

Then, armed with knife, 
he kissed his wife,
and said farewell to home and life
He climbed the hill
the beast to kill
as it lay sleeping, slothful, still.

He saw it there
with matted hair,
eyes shut in gruesome grisly glare
in sleep, its breath
stank foul of death
and filled the cave of air bereft.

Slash! went the blade,
the fight was made,
upon the corpse the shadows played
as morning light
broke through the night
and sparkled on the mountain heights.

And so the Cook
of Shady Nooke
hung back his knife upon its hook.
A tray he laid
of breakfast made
for his wife as she slept and prayed.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

A Thought on "Ignorance of Scripture"

Ok, I'm just going to come out and say this: I don't enjoy reading the Bible. I know that it's the story of Christ and it's part of the reason we have hope, but every time I think about picking it up, my brain goes into shock because I worry that I'm going to misinterpret everything and that I'm going to get cocky for reading it, and that somehow I'm not going to do it right.

I know St. Jerome said "Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ," but I freeze up every time I consider picking up the Bible. Once and a while I'll read my favorite psalms or my favorite bits of the Gospel, and I get my weekly dose of Scripture at Mass, but I've never read the Bible page by page.

I'm not sure "ignorance of Christ" is necessarily a bad thing. I ought to know a little about Him, at least, but I think it's a little like that bit from The Return of the King (because everything always has to be about Tolkien all the time) when Pippin says,

"Dear me! We Tooks and Brandybucks, we can't live long on the heights."

"No," said Merry. "I can't. Not yet, at any rate. But at least, Pippin, we can see them and honour them. It is best to love first what you are fitted to love, I suppose: you must start somewhere and have some roots, and the soil of the Shire is deep. Still, there are things deeper and higher, and not a gaffer could tend his garden in what he calls peace but for them, whether he knows about them or not. I am glad that I know about them, a little."

I don't know if I'm living my life the right way, but the way I'm doing it is knowing just a little about Christ and then trying to find Him in things that I'm not petrified of. And maybe I should read the Bible even though I'm petrified, but I don't feel like I'm doing anything terrible by not reading it. That is all.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

A Thought On Boredom and Fun

I know I just posted something about ten seconds ago, but I'm going to post another thing because I feel like it, and it's my blog and I am The Boss Of My Blog, so here goes:

When I was posting said previous post about ten seconds ago, I thought of saying something like "I was bored, so I made this thing," when the more accurate statement would be something along the lines of, "I'm not bored, and I haven't been bored in the last 20 minutes because I've been making this thing."

For the last 20 years, I've been justifying the things that I do by saying, "I was bored," when the truth is that I'm rarely bored. And when I am bored, I think it's my duty to escape boredom. I make all these weird movie crossovers and references and puns and conspiracy theories, which might get annoying, but I'm easily entertained, and I'm not bored. It's fun. And I'm going to keep doing it. I'm not going to keep doing it because I'm bored, I'm going to keep doing it because it's fun.

Do I sound defensive? I'm not trying to sound defensive. I don't need to defend myself against anybody, because so far nobody's come up to me and given me what-for for putting Zoolander quotes in with Lord of the Rings dialogue or anything like that. I'm just saying, I'm not bored, and I enjoy being not bored, and in the words of John Finnemore, "I like having fun, because fun is fun." I'm just trying to appreciate the funness and non-boredity of my life. That is all. Goodnight!

Recycled Disney Actors

Interesting thing, my sister and I noticed that a lot of actors in animated Disney movies are also in a lot of other animated Disney movies. So, for the purpose of your Disney education, I have provided a Helpful Chart That Is Completely Useless To Your Life, But Is Nonetheless Slightly Interesting.

And I've split up the men and women actors, because one chart for everybody was too big.

Here you go:


J. Pat O’Malley
Ben Wright
Phil Harris
Sterling Holloway
Sebastian Cabot
Pat Buttram
Junius Matthews
Paul Winchell
The Jungle Book
Colonel Hathi

The Sword in the Stone

Sir Ector


The Aristocats



The Little Mermaid


Robin Hood

Little John

Sherriff of Nottingham

Alice in Wonderland

Cheshire Cat

Winnie the Pooh


101 Dalmatians

The Fox and the Hound




Martha Wentworth
Eleanor Audley
Verna Felton
Lucille Bliss
Jodi Benson
101 Dalmatians

The Sword in the Stone
Mad Madam Mimm

Sleeping Beauty

Flora/Queen Leah

Toy Story 3


Lady Tremaine
Fairy Godmother

Lady and the Tramp

Aunt Sarah

The Jungle Book


Alice in Wonderland

Queen of Hearts

101 Dalmatians

Commercial Jingle Singer

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Poem #33: Mary Skinner

*Based on the movie Life With Father, which you should watch, if you haven't, because it's kind of brilliant.

"Write to me when you get home,
so I'll never feel alone. 
Take your pen and tell me all
what upon you did befall, 
sweetest Mary Skinner."

"Ladies sometimes don't have time,
though her man may be sublime.
Write me first, and then I"ll see
that you really care for me,"
smiled Mary Skinner.

"Nonsense! What's this folderol? 
Writing first and love and all?
They've naught to do with each other;
we can still love one another,
silly Mary Skinner." 

"Oh, dear sir! Where is your heart?
If you are the one to start,
it would show me that you care,
though I am no longer there!"
cried poor Mary Skinner. 

"As a man, I must be firm:
Write to me on your return!
I like you so very much;
eyes and nose and hair and such,
pretty Mary Skinner."

"All this talk I don't believe.
Girls can never be deceived!
Since you will not write me first, 
I must then assume the worst."
Goodbye, Mary Skinner. 

But, as she walks out the door, 
fearing I'll see her no more, 
off I rush to pen and ink,
sit down and begin to think, 
"Dearest Mary Skinner...."

Monday, June 16, 2014

Poem 32: The Stranger

The Stranger stood beside me
waiting for the bus one day
I had no joy, for slings and arrows
frightened it away

But he addressed me with a smile,
as if to a friend
in halting English, though his joy
I still could comprehend

We spoke of this and that until
the bus came to a stop
and as it left, I waved to him
and felt my burden drop

For though I may be wicked
in ways only I can see, 
I must have some good, for the Stranger
saw the good in me

Sunday, June 15, 2014


Like many people, I am fortunate enough to live in a house with a backyard. However, the backyard behind our house currently resembles the aftermath of a severe drought coupled with a nuclear bomb during the Zombie Apocalypse. So, my parents decided that we would fix up the yard so that it would not resemble the aftermath of a severe drought coupled with a nuclear bomb during the Zombie Apocalypse.

For the record, I never thought it actually looked that bad. I sort of liked it all flat and spacious with nice dirt and the dead grass was soft, and it had a sort of rustic look to it. But whatever. It'll look pretty spiffy when it's done. 

Some workers started digging up the ground and the dead grass this past week, and my brothers discovered yesterday that the workers had disturbed a couple of rats, which are now running around our backyard holding up cardboard signs and looking for a new home. 

My brother Isaac hates rats, and my brother Anthony has a slightly murderous streak in him, so they teamed up to destroy the rats and then to perform satanic rituals over the rats' dead remains. But according to them, the rats are invincible freaks of nature who refuse to die. 

Yesterday, Isaac and Anthony found a bit of old firework in the garage. Anthony had an idea, and asked my dad if it would be all right to trap the rats in an old bucket and then blow them up with the firework. My dad has a bad ear, so he didn't hear the part about the firework and said it would be all right. Fortunately though, they didn't manage to trap the rats in the bucket before dinner time. While we were all sitting around the table eating dinner, Anthony explained to us all how he and Isaac were going to blow the rats to kingdom come in the bucket. My ma was slightly horrified and very much pipped, and we all spent the next half-hour discussing whether or not Isaac and Anthony should be allowed to trap the rats in a bucket and blow them up with a firework. In the end, my ma won, so the boys have had to resort to normal rat traps and hiding behind walls armed with shovels. 

Anyway, that's my week. Happy Fathers' day!

Friday, June 13, 2014

A Quote I Found: "Stop making people feel bad for liking things that make them happy."

I need to tell myself this with regards to myself and stuff that I like.

If it makes you happy, that's great (unless it involves murder or coconut shrimp). Some people are crazy geeks who love stuff, and they can't turn it off. When I find myself liking something "too much," my inner cynical moron comes on and tells me I'm an idiot for being such a fanatic. So, if you're like me and you have an inner cynical moron, just stab him in the face and tell him to go eat beans and carry on with your awesome fanaticism.

That is all.

Something I Noticed In Desolation of Smaug

It's summertime! Hooray! And I'm not taking any summer classes, so if anyone needs me, I will be staring at my computer waiting for the next Hobbit trailer to come out. Not really. But it feels like I'm doing that. I'm on a sort of Middle-Earth withdrawal because I've seen all the current movies at least 500 times apiece, and I need the next one to come out right now. I could just go read The Silmarillion or another Middle-Earth book that I haven't read yet, but they don't have all my favorite characters in them.

Speaking of Middle-Earth, and this is for all my fellow fangirl fanatics, (plus it's a spoiler, so stay away if you haven't read the book), I noticed something last time I watched Desolation of Smaug. At the part where one of the orcs sticks his finger in the pool of Kili's blood and says "Dwarf-blood!" we get a brief glimpse of Fili's pipe lying on the rocks. I don't know if that was intentional or not, but if it was, I think it might be a foreshadowing of Fili and Kili losing their carefree-ness and being stuck in the middle of a great battle and destruction and eventually getting killed. That might be a stretch, but it was just a thought. And it made me very sad.

I keep seeing comments on Pinterest and stuff that say that people don't want them to die, but I sort of do, even though they're two of my favorite characters. Because dying heroically for Thorin is part of what they are, it's a huge part of their character make-up that they would make that sacrifice, and I don't really want that taken away. But I think they will die. But in the meantime, the movie needs to hurry up and come out.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

King Thranduil's Actual Age Calculation

Remember in Desolation of Smaug when Thranduil said, "100 years is a mere blink in the life of an Elf."?

I read on this website ( that Thranduil is at least 5,480 years old. From his statement above, we can calculate that his life so far is 5480/100 = 54.8 blinks long. In other words, he is as old as the time it takes to blink about 55 times.

Judging by the stopwatch and assuming I blink about the average speed, I calculate Thranduil's actual age to be about 35 seconds old. Which is not right, but I was bored.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Why We Laugh

Today, I was laughing at something, and then I realized that the only reason I was laughing at it was that I related to it. Then it occurred to me that a lot of times people laugh at things just because they can relate to them. Which is weird, because it only happens with certain things that we relate to. I don't see someone wearing pants and say, "Hey, you're wearing pants! I'm wearing pants too! HAHAHAHAHA!" But if someone in class said something like, "YOU LEFT A SMIDGEN OF MARKER ON THE BOARD. ERASE IT OR WE WILL ALL DIE," I would laugh because I think that every single time it happens.

I was thinking of saying something very intelligent regarding the reasons why we laugh here, but I can't think of anything. I'm a doctor, not a Happy Laughing Person Psychologist. And I need to finish my homework. Good night!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Remaking Winnie the Pooh


I decided, when I'm important and famous, I'm going to re-make Winnie the Pooh in claymation with the following cast:

Rupert Grint will play Pooh.

Billy Boyd will play Piglet.

Ian McKellan will play Eeyore.

Ken Stott will play Owl.

Colin Firth will play Rabbit.

Helena Bonham-Carter will play Kanga.

Will Poulter will play Tigger.

Jude Law will play A.A. Milne telling the story to Christopher Robin.

Unfortunately, I'm not acquainted with any Young British Child Actors, but I will find some to play Roo and Christopher Robin.

Howard Shore will compose the soundtrack.

Poem #31: Alliteration

Alliteration, as an art
all authors ought attempt;
it brings all bounce and beauty back
when brains and backs are bent. 

Caucasians call it clumsy, crying,
"Come, call off this craft!"
But dowagers downtrodden don't
dismay or deem it daft. 

Effectively, it elevates the
ends of elegies
for funerals: the frost, forgotten, 
flushes face and flees. 

Like goodly ghosts it glides through 
gruesome goads, it's glee to gird,
it haunts horrific histories
with healing happy words. 

Important intellectuals 
insist it's ineffective. 
They jest, "These jokers' jaunty jargon
jams the art's objective." 

Some killers kill because the
consonance, they cannot bear. 
They loathe alliteration, but we'll
loose it, if we dare.

Moreover, most men mean well,
but to murderers may morph;
  this needless knack of novelists
annoys them, South to North.

Official orators object
to our obnoxious art.
But playful poets please
the pooped-out public for their part.

Some say, "You give us quite a qualm,
now quit these quaintish quotes!"
But rebel writers write repeatedly
despite reproach.

Their sonnets, songs, and stories with
sweet assonance still sing
of truth, tall tales and twilight,
thanking God for tiny things.

Usurpers understand tales are
uncalled-for in our lives,
but little vital victories they are
for which we strive.

What weirdly words with X in front
will rhyme with words I know?
Xanthosis, X-ray, xenial,
X-men or xenophobe?

Just yesterday, I yearned for
younger days and yellow suns,
I zest in zany prose
and poetry, which brings back funs.

Monday, June 9, 2014


I have a challenge for movie-directors: try making a movie set in a school that is not narrated by the main character.

Of course now that I've said that, I can think of a couple movies that aren't, like She's the Man and I think 17 Again isn't narrated either, but I didn't see that whole movie. Also Freaky Friday. And Harry Potter. Dang it, I can't get anything right. I was thinking of Flipped, Mean Girls, and The Perks of Being a Wallflower. And Spider-man. And I was thinking, they're all narrated by the main character, is that a high-school movie thing?

I find too much movie-narrating a bit annoying. Of course too much of anything is annoying, you need to have the right amount of anything for it not to be annoying. The thing is, I like to try to infer what the characters are thinking by their faces and actions and general what-not. I watched Flipped a couple of weeks ago, and I was thinking, "yes, we know you're sad about the tree. I sort of gathered that when you started crying and wouldn't come down from the tree."

I wish I had a lot of money. Then I could hire actors to add narrations to movies they were in, but only in movies where narrations don't work at all and it would be just wrong. Like, for instance, I could hire Christian Bale to narrate The Dark Knight in his guttural Bat-voice and say things like, "I couldn't decide whether to save Rachel or Harvey. I knew Harvey was important to the Gotham, but Rachel was important to me." Or Pirates of the Caribbean. I could hire Johnny Depp to say things like, "I looked at Will, and I saw the disappointment in his eyes. I wanted to tell him that I was on his side, but that would have to wait," and stuff like that in his drunk-voice.

I want to watch that movie again. I haven't seen that in a long time.

Good night!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Disney Haikus

I'm supposed to be sleeping right now. But I found a bunch of Disney movies on Pinterest in Haiku form, and now I feel like writing a lot of Haikus, so here's

Disney Haikus by me.


The girl lost her shoe.
The prince picked up the glass shoe.
He followed the smell.

Snow White

Seven Dwarfs live here.
Why is it "Dwarfs" and not "Dwarves?"
It doesn't make sense.

Sleeping Beauty

A girl took a nap,
but then the Prince woke her up.
The creep kissed her face.

The Jungle Book

Mowgli lives down here,
but left his friends for a girl.
Now he can have pants.


Tarzan's an ape man.
Why does he have no mustache?
He has no razors.

The Fox and the Hound

Friends play together.
The old lady dumps the fox.
It is very sad.

Alice in Wonderland

This place is so weird.
It's like The Phantom Tollbooth 
except with a girl.

Peter Pan

Mr. Smee's dumb shirt
is too bloody small for him.
It's driving me nuts.


One does not simply
walk away from the tower.
But Rapunzel does.


Elsa tries her best
to be a good, nice person
but viewers hate her.

A Little Mermaid

She shouldn't marry.
She's only bloody sixteen.
Please put on a shirt.


Oppa Gangnam called,
he says he wants his pants back.
I like your monkey.

Pixar Characters With Bastille Songs

I had a long car drive today, so I put on my Bastille album and tried to match each song up with a Pixar character. For your convenience, I have once again organized my list into a Useful Chart.

Line From Song
Woody and Buzz
Toy Story 3
…great clouds rolled over the hills, bringing darkness from above, but if you close your eyes, does it almost seem like nothing’s changed at all? ♪
Bad Blood
Mike and Sulley and Randall
Monsters University + Monsters Inc.
These are the days that bind us together, forever […] oh this bad blood here, won’t you let it dry? ♪
These Streets
Lightning McQueen
These streets are yours, you can keep them, in my mind it’s like you haunt them, and passing through, I think I see you in the shapes of other women ♪
The Silence
Marlin and Dory
Finding Nemo
it is not enough to be dumbstruck, can you fill the silence? You must have the words in that head of yours ♪
Get Home
Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl
The Incredibles
We are the last people standing at the end of the night, we are the greatest pretenders in the cold morning light ♪
Laughter Lines
Carl and Ellie
I’ll see you in the future when we’re older, and we are full of stories to be told. Cross my heart and hope to die, I’ll see you with your laughter lines ♪
Laura Palmer
Walking out into the dark, cutting out a different path, led by your beating heart ♪