Friday, June 6, 2014

This Is Why Brains Are Overrated

I hate it when I watch a movie and everybody watching with me points out everything that's wrong with the movie, and then I start inwardly hating on everybody hating on the movie, and then I inwardly punish myself for hating on everybody, and then I inwardly defend myself for liking the movie even though it has flaws, and then I have imaginary conversations with the haters in which I brutally defeat them in defense of the movie, and then I inwardly punish myself for brutally defeating people who aren't actually evil, and then I wonder why this movie is causing this much inner turmoil, and then I feel stupid for making such an internal fuss over just a movie, and then I start defending the movie again to justify my stupid turmoil, and then I feel dumb for being so "obsessed" with the movie, and then I try to stop thinking altogether, and then it doesn't work, and then I go write poetry so I can think about something else.

But then I like writing poems, so logically, I must like it when this happens. Hooray!

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