I just had an interesting conversation with my 11-year old brother.
Me: Hey, I just realized: in Middle-Earth, everything evil comes from the East, right?
Anthony: Yeah.
Me: And Mary Poppins comes from the East.
Anthony: Oh!
Me: So Mary Poppins must be a servant of evil come to corrupt the heats of children with her darkness.
Anthony: Yeah, she gets them to like her, and then she makes them evil!
Isaac: What's that?
Anthony: We were saying that Mary Poppins is evil 'cause she comes from the East.
Me: And in Middle-Earth, everything evil comes from the East.
Isaac: Oh, yeah.
Me: But then, Aslan's country is in the East. Does that mean Aslan is evil, or does that mean everything evil is in Middle-Earth, including Mary Poppins, is actually good?
Isaac: Well, Aslan is sort of God.
Me: So Aslan is definitely good.
Anthony: Maybe Aslan set up his country in the evil place so he can fight evil.
Isaac: Yeah!
Me: Or maybe the term "East" is just relative. Like, if you're on one side of the world, East is one way and West is the other way. But if you're on the other side of the world, East is where all the people on the first side of the world are, so logically, they must be evil. But then everywhere in the world is East depending on where you live, so then everybody must be evil.
Isaac: [leaves].
Anthony: yeah....
Me: But then, before Mary Poppins comes, Bert says, "wind's in the East." Does that mean it's coming from the East or going towards the East.
Anthony: yeah...wait...I dunno!
Me: We should watch the movie again and see which way the wethermane, or whatever it's called turns right before she comes.
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