Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The Elizabeth Method of "Being Yourself"

In my lifetime so far, I have delved deep into the caverns of Pinterest and there is quite a lot of stuff that says something like, "Don't worry about what people think of you. Be yourself."

And when I say what I'm about to say, I'm not trying to show off how weird I am, I'm just putting this out here so that if there's someone out there who's just like me, he can read what goes on in my head and say, "I'm not the only one!" because that's always a good feeling for me, anyway.

I often have to tell myself, "Don't worry about what you think of yourself. Be yourself." Because about half a million times every day, when I'm making connections between different fantasy worlds or making stupid puns in my head or fangirling over Lord of the Rings, my brain tells me "don't be a damn fool."

I don't know about you, but I don't like being called a damn fool half a million times a day. Everyone else is nice to me, but a part of myself thinks I'm an idiot for being the way that I am. And at almost any given point in time, I'll be trying to convince myself that I'm not a damn fool.

Most of the time, I counter the phrase "don't be a damn fool" with "I'm not a damn fool." So far it hasn't worked, and it still keeps popping in my head. I've tried thinking things like, "your mom's a damn fool! BAHAHA!" but then I feel like I'm obnoxious.

So, what I think I and anybody who's like me need to do is not counter it at all. Just let it happen and continue doing the things that make you a damn fool. In my experience, damn fools are very nice people, so odds are, we're nice people too.

And I honestly believe that Our Lord has a place in Heaven for damn fools.

I'm sorry if you're offended by my language. English can be offensive at times. Next time, I put swear words here, I'll swear in Spanish or Vulcan.

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