Wednesday, June 4, 2014

And Another Thing

While I'm spewing stuff from my head, I feel like making a point about the whole "skinny vs. fat" thing, because I'm in a Saying Something That I Will Probably Regret mood.

I would just like to say that it's OK to be skinny. Right now, it seems like about half the world is saying, "be skinny! Exercise! Be a supermodel!" and the other half is saying, "No! Don't be skinny! Eat lots of food! Skinny people don't know what's good for them!"

Sometimes, I feel like the second half is making its point almost to the point of hating on skinny people for being skinny. And I know, I'm wrong and I'm overreacting, but that's the way I feel, and I can't turn it off. I'm thin and I almost feel guilty for it. It's irrational, but again, that's the way I feel.

Some people are skinny just because they have a fast metabolism, or because their body's made that way, or because they've been stressed, not because they want to look like supermodels.

Ok, I'm done inflicting my opinions on the world. Good night!

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