So I've been browsing around on the Internet, you know, that place people go to rot when they're bored, and I've seen almost nothing but those ads that say "lose 500 pounds in 2 hours with this magic pill thing" and then have a picture of the Goblin King from The Hobbit next to a picture of Audrey Hepburn. If I had a buck for every ad like that I've seen, I could afford liposuction and wouldn't have to bother with those ads at all. Not that I need liposuction. And not that I would get liposuction if I needed it cause it's bloody disgusting. What do they do with the fat afterwards? Do they polish the furniture with it? Melt it and use it to cook with? make sculptures out of it when they're bored? If anyone ever finds out, please let me know because it's one of those questions that occurs to you one day and nobody knows the answer and it gnaws at your brain for the rest of your life.
While on the subject of unanswerable questions, does anybody know why the heck Humpty Dumpty is supposed to be an egg? It never says why in the rhyme.
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall/Humpty Dumpty had a great fall/all the King's horses and all the King's men/couldn't put Dumpty together again.
It's not there. Unless the words "humpty" and/or "dumpty" are words from a dead language and they used to mean "egg" or something like that.
Anyway, if you find out, please let me know.
for your enlightenment:
quite interesting, actually. I looked it up last year because I didn't know why Humpty Dumpty was an egg either! But it was Caroll's Through the Looking Glass that made Humpty famous as an egg.
that just made my day. Thank you for posting! Are you a Caroll fan? He's awesome. I've never actually read Through the Looking Glass, but it's on my list :]