Sunday, April 14, 2013


If you're reading this, it means that you've discovered my blog written by yours truly. I've never written a blog before, or anything else much except for a few essays for various English classes, so you'll please forgive me if my writing is uninteresting, grammatically incorrect, or otherwise unfit for human consumption, as my best friend PG Wodehouse would put it.

I've decided to start a blog because I'm bored. About an hour ago I had an epiphany that told me that pretty much all I've done for the last few years is homework, sleep, eat, and watch TV, and I'm jolly tired of it. I shouldn't complain cause I've got a large family to keep me busy and I play the viola as well, but I haven't complained about anything for a couple of hours and I need to finish the day's quota of complaining before I go to bed.

I decided to call my blog "Free Nerd" because most of the stuff I'll be writing about will probably have something to do with Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Doctor Who, and other stuff that usually goes in the nerd box. Also I happened to be thinking about the song "Free Bird" by Lynyrd Skynyrd, and I thought it was cool that Lynyrd Skynyrd has the word "nerd" in it twice. I don't know many Lynyrd Skynyrd songs but I'm always impressed when someone manages to have four y's in his name.

Not that Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter are nerdy. You could call anybody a nerd as long as they know everything about something. Like, for instance, if somebody knew absolutely everything there was to know about Jane Austen and her books, you could call her a nerd even though Jane Austen doesn't usually fall into the category of nerd material.

Notice that I assumed that the person who knows everything about Jane Austen is a female. If you're female and were offended, I don't give a darn. I'm female too and I wasn't offended when I wrote that.

I just looked at the first sentence of the paragraph above and realized that it looks weird, because it sounds a bit like I'm saying that a person knows everything about the fact that Jane Austen is a female. English is too ambiguous. I've always thought that language should be written more like a math equation. Take the sentence "I assumed that the person who knows everything about Jane Austen is a female." To make it more clear, I could have written "I assumed that (the person)who knows everything about Jane Austen is a female." I think you knew what I meant when I wrote "I assumed that the person who knows everything about Jane Austen is a female," but the other way makes a heck of a lot more sense. Much easier on the brain and all that. 

Anyway I've had to go to the bathroom for about two hours and I've got one more episode of The IT Crowd to watch before I finish the series, so I'm off. 

Good night!

Your servant, 


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