Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Big Wedding

I feel like I've been talking about advertisements a lot, but indulge me one more time. I just saw one for a movie called "The Big Wedding." Apparently it's a sequel to the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding in which everyone loses weight (but not too much weight, cause they still have to be big) and decides to completely reject their cultural heritage. Actually, that wouldn't make sense, because Tula and Ian already got married and, so if this movie is a sequel, then who's getting married? Maybe Tula and Ian are halfway through their married life and decide that they're tired of being Greek and fat and want to start over not-Greek and just big, instead of big and fat, so now they have to figure out how to disrupt the time-space continuum so that they can go back to that year whenever the movie came out I don't really care, and then modify the memories of their young selves so that they think that their dream is to break from the Greek-ness of it all and lose a bit of weight before they get married. That would actually make the marriage more feasible since Tula doesn't like being Greek anymore, so she can just break away from her Greek family and won't be bothered about getting her Greek family's Greek approval of non-Greek Ian WITH THE BIG...LONG...HAIRS ON TOP OF HIS HEAD!!

I wasn't going to see that movie, but I think I will now that I know more about it. Except for I don't think I'll have time, cause Part 2 of The Hobbit is coming out in about 8 months, and I need to watch all the production videos and promos and trailers for that before it comes out, and I need to read the book again.

On a completely different note, my uncle in the next room is watching hockey and one of the player's name sounds like a disgusting swear word. Poor bloke.

It's kinda dumb, in my opinion, to give a movie a name that makes it sound like the lame version of a great movie from a few years ago. Doesn't The Big Wedding sound like just a lame version of My Big Fat Greek Wedding? That's like making a movie called "The Guy With Jewelry," and then people'll look at the title and say "oh that'll be just a lame version of Lord of the Rings." They ought to use different wording, like instead of "The Big Wedding" they could call it "The Fairly Large Sacramental Union of A Man and A Woman." I should tell you I'm a fan of traditional marriage and I hope nobody's offended by that. If you are, there's nothing I can do about it, just read somebody else's blog. I hope that wasn't rude. Now I feel bad. Anyway, I'd rather see a movie called "The Fairly Large Sacramental Union of A Man and A Woman" than a movie called "The Big Wedding." Maybe that's just me.

Your servant,


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