Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Man of Steel

Who's excited for Man of Steel? I am! Normally I don't look forward to the newer superhero movies because they try to take away the goofiness and fun of it all and make it all dark and morbid and depressing. I enjoyed the first two Batman movies, but I wasn't looking forward to Dark Knight Rises cause they just don't compare with the 1966 Batman. I hate it when they try to make you feel sorry for the villains. You're supposed to hate the villain's guts and want the hero to totally bash their brains out, and then have a big ol party when they do, instead of feeling sorry for the villain, and then the hero accidentally kills him but not on purpose because he's too kind-hearted and then it's all tragic when the villain dies.

But I'm digressin here.

Man of Steel! I'm lookin forward to this one because Superman is such a cornball-awesome hero, I want to see how they try to make him "realistic." That'll be fun. I want to see what's his face who's playing Superman to try to give a  "non-cheeseball" explanation about why it's so important that he wears tights and a big S on his shirt.

I never thought of Amy Adams for Lois Lane. I've seen a bunch of the old cartoons, and Lois was dark-haired with two dots in the middle of her face for a nose. Has anyone noticed how all fictional newspaper people have alliteration between their first and last names? Like Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Peter Parker, Polly Perkins, and Rita Skeeter (except for her names sort of rhyme instead of alliterate). The only reason none of anyone's names in Batman alliterate is because nobody's a reporter or photographer or anything newspapery. That's why it's cool that Amy Adams is playing Lois Lane.

I just looked up the bloke that's playing Superman and it's Henry Cavill who was Albert in The Count of Monte Cristo. He was British in that movie. At least, he had a British accent, but the character was French or something. That's all right with me, except for Superman's not British. I hate it when they do that, cause then I don't know whether or not the actor's British or American and I have to look it up.

I just realized something. There are no British superheroes! Unless I'm wrong, which I don't think I am. But I might be. I guess that's all right, because the British have Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Chronicles of Narnia, Sherlock, and Doctor Who. We don't have anything cool except superheroes, crime TV shows, and mockumentaries. All the TV shows nowadays are either detective/crime investigation shows, or mockumentaries. When I grow up, I'm going to make a mockumentary of a detective show. Then I'll be rich and famous so I can buy the rights to Batman and Lord of the Rings and I can make a movie about Batman and Robin trying to destroy the Ring. OR I could buy the rights to Batman and Harry Potter so I can make a movie about Batman and Robin trying to kill Voldemort. OR I could buy the rights to Batman and EVERYTHING so I can make movies of Batman and Robin doing EVERYTHING. I could put Batman in The Notebook so he can kill both Rachel McAdams and Ryan Goseling by accidentally letting them fall into his vat of nuclear waste. OH MY GOSH I could put Batman in the movie The Fly because Batman actually has a BAT-FLY SWATTER which he uses to kill flies that bite people and make them sleep for hundreds of years. And then I could put Batman in the movie Jaws and he could use his Shark-Repellant Bat-Spray!

I don't think I'll have time for that though. I need to write an essay about bananas in Honduras that are contaminated with pesticide. It's due tomorrow, so I'll be getting back to that now.

Til' tomorrow then!


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