Monday, May 6, 2013

All New Harry Potter Series

" "Harry-yer a muggle." There was silence inside the hut. Only the sea and whirling wind could be heard. "--a what?" gasped Harry. "A muggle, o'course!" said Hagrid. "an' a thumpin' good'un I'd say, once you've been trained up a bit." "

When Harry, the Amazing Boy Wizard, learns that he is in fact a muggle, his life is changed forever. Join Harry in seven mediocre adventures as Harry journeys through his new mundane, muggle life. Walk with Harry through the old-black-gum-covered halls of Thousand Oaks High School as he learns new skills such as writing, math, and science and becomes the youngest quarterback in a century for the most boring Muggle sport in the world.

Life in the muggle world is all right. But Harry has a dark past. As he continues his education, he learns that his parents were killed in a car crash, caused by Mr. Voldemort who had been driving drunk. Now Voldemort is determined to seek Harry out and drive drunk once again in the hopes that he will hit Harry and finish him off once and for all.

Joining Harry are Ron, Harry's best mate, and Hermione, a girl who ruins the curve for their classmates on every test. Together, they will run a campaign against drunk driving with the hope that they will defeat Voldemort once and for all.

Don't miss this boring series featuring seven adventures in which Harry faces dull and unpleasant muggle obstacles that only the greatest muggles can overcome, including

Harry Potter and the Kidney Stone

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Commerce

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Alcatraz

Harry Potter and the Cup of Coffee

Harry Potter and the Order of the Pizza

Harry Potter and the Anemic Man

and the epic finale,

Harry Potter and the Nesting Sparrows

Also coming soon is the epic film adaptations of this epic muggle saga starring Rowan Atkinson as Harry Potter, Rainn Wilson as Ron Weasley, and Dolly Parton as Hermione Granger.

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