Monday, May 13, 2013

Boromir Memes

I don't know if you've noticed this already, but I'm a big fan of Lord of the Rings. As a big fan of Lord of the Rings, I have been all over Pinterest  looking at Lord of the Rings Memes and Stuff. If, like me, you are a big fan of Lord of the Rings who has been all over Pinterest looking at Lord of the Rings Memes and Stuff, you have seen about five gazillion memes with Boromir saying "one does not simply..." insert something that one does not simply do.

If you're unfamilliar with Lord of the Rings, the meme comes from the scene when they're trying to decide what to do with the Ring, and Elrond says that the Ring should be taken into Mordor to be destroyed at the Butt Crack of Doom. Then Boromir says "one does not simply walk into Mordor." For some reason, it's like the most famous line from the movie other than "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!" even though there's tons of amazing lines.

I've restrained from saying "one does not simply...." about five hundred times this month. It's kind of impossible not to, cause one does not simply not quote Boromir when one is trying to simply do something that can not simply be done. It is folly.

There's going to be a day when Lord of the Rings is so engrained in my system that everything I say will be a Lord of the Rings quote. Like if a friend says she's nervous for a test, I'll say "tis a strange fate that one should suffer so much fear and doubt from so small a thing." And if I get pulled over for speeding, I'll say "we dwarves are natural sprinters!" And in a job interview I'll say something like, "you need people of intelligence on this sort of...thing." Actually that would be pretty awesome, I think I'll do that whenever I have a job interview next.

I've been making a mental list of stuff to say to a cop if I ever get pulled over for speeding and he asks me "do you know why I pulled you over?" Here it is for your approval.
1. why, don't you know?
2. because I'm cute?
3. I thought the speed limit was in miles per minute.
4. I think the Earth's rotational speed slowed down, so that must have made it seem like I'm speeding.
5. wow, it's the Goodyear blimp!
6. I'm about to go into labor.

I probably won't be able to use that last one, although I could keep an emergency soccer ball in my car to stuff under my shirt before the cop comes to the window. That's actually a good idea. I think I'll put a soccer ball in my car and speed just to see if it works.

Good night

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