Friday, May 10, 2013


I was browsing on youtube just now looking at Lord of the Rings clips because I'm to lazy to watch the whole movie, and I came across the MAN FLESH bit.

If you're unfamiliar with this particular scene, this is how it goes:

Uruk Hai #1: (stops running)

Uruk Hai #2: what is it? what do you smell?

Uruk Hai #1: (sniffs). MAN FLESH.

I looked at the comments underneath the video, and someone pointed out that right after Uruk Hai #1 says "MAN FLESH," Uruk Hai #2 frantically looks up in the sky for "flying men."

I'm probably just tired, but that made me snort laugh like an idiot. And then I had to watch that clip about five times and snort laugh again every time Uruk Hai #2 looks for the flying men.

My kid brother and I had a BRILLIANT IDEA the other day. We thought we should watch a movie and yell "MAN FLESH" whenever a good time came up. So if we're watching Forrest Gump, it would go, "my mama always said, life is like a box of MAN FLESH." or if we're watching the Dark Knight, it'd go "he's got nothing in his pockets but MAN FLESH and lint." or if we're watching the Matrix, it'd go like, "you know what this tastes like? MAN FLESH."

I know it's stupid, but in my defense, I'm an idiot.

Which reminds me I need to pull my car into the driveway before I get another parking ticket.


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