Wednesday, May 8, 2013

On Nothing In Particular

What ho!

I can't think of anything interesting to blog about today, so you will be subjected to whatever happens to flit into my brain.

I spose I could do the thing where I watch a movie on mute, but it's too late for that tonight.

I'm very happy right now because I just finished my Ag 401 homework which I've been dreading doing all the ding dong day and submitted it three minutes before it was due. Not because I've been procrastinating on it, just because it generally failed to amuse me.

I've decided to start doing my homework out in the dining room instead of my bedroom so that my family doesn't forget I live here or think I'm dead. That also puts me closer to the kitchen so that I can eat while I do my homework and not have to remember to bring dishes out of my room. Today I had a glass of brown water from a jug in the fridge with my homework that turned out to be iced tea. The brown water, I mean. I didn't have iced tea for homework.

I had goat's milk for homework once. I had to buy some for my food science class and write an essay comparing it to cow's milk. I think I prefer it to cow's milk. It's a bit like liquid chalk, but it tastes better and apparently it's got less lactose, so if you're lactose intolerant, that's a definite plus. A lot of my family are lactose intolerant. I'm not. Lactose is intolerant to me.

I can't think of what else to talk about now.

OH I've never talked about my viola have I? I have a 15.5 inch old German viola. I'm not sure how old it is, but it's pretty old, and it's had a few patch jobs done on it before it was mine. In case you're wondering, a viola is a bit like a violin, only it has different strings and is a little bigger and thicker, so it has a deeper, lower sound. Again, a viola is LIKE a violin, not the SAME THING as a violin. And it's not pronounced vie-ola. You say it like vee-ola. I don't know why, but it bugs the heck out of me when people say vie-ola instead of vee-ola. It makes it sound like some kind of probiotic drug instead of a musical instrument. Maybe that's just me.

People who belong to the world of classical music know that there is an eternal feud between violinists and violists. Violists hate violinists because people always mistake violas for violins, and because violinists usually get the melody in an orchestra while violas get the leftover notes, and in extreme cases we have to count about 20 measures of rests which means sitting without playing and tapping your foot for about four hours while the violinists play the pretty stuff. In an orchestra I used to belong to, we played a piece called "Stormy Weather" and the violas literally had five notes through the entire piece.

I burnt my tongue today on a bit of hot chocolate. I was in my food science class and falling asleep because I was up till almost three last night trying to write a speech that was due today that I'd completely forgotten about. It's a two-hour class, so my professor was lovely and gave us a bit of a break. I decided to get myself a hot-cocoa from a machine next to class to keep myself awake. But the machine apparently doesn't provide lids for the cups, and we're not allowed to have open beverages inside the classroom, because it's normally used for a lab and I might accidentally contaminate the E. coli with my hot chocolate. Anyway it was only a ten-minute break, so I was trying to drink the hot chocolate fast and hopefully finish it before going back in. Unbeknownst to me, the hot chocolate was hot. So I burnt my tongue off. It's just a charcoal stub in the back of my mouth now. But that's all right because the hot chocolate didn't taste that good anyway. It was like squirting Hershey's syrup in water and then microwaving it for about five hours.

Anyway, I'm sleepy and I want some ice cream to reward myself for writing another brilliant essay on exploding pesticide plants. If I have to write one more paper about pesticide, I will die. I'll probably die anyway, but that's what usually happens to people who decide to live in the first place. I'm all right with that.

Good night and sleep with the little angels.


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