Tuesday, May 28, 2013

More on Music and the English Language


It's very late and I should be getting to sleep, but I had a soda not too long ago and forgot that sodas usually have caffeine in them, and now I've got caffeine in the wires and plumbing, and it hasn't worn off yet, so I'll be up for at least a few more minutes. 

Ever since I watched Les Miserables the other day, I've had "I Dreamed a Dream" stuck in my head, but the thing is I keep forgetting how it goes after one point, and so after that one point it always changes to "Part of your World" from  The Little Mermaid. It's something like this:

♪ I dreamed a dream in time gone by
 when hope was high and life worth living
 I dreamed that love would never die
 I dreamed that God would be forgiving
 up where they walk
 up where they run 
 up where they stay all day in the sun
 wanderin free 
wish I could be 
part of that woooooooorld 

Grr. It's really annoying. Sometimes when that happens I need to just listen to the song a lot so that when it gets stuck in my head, the whole thing will get stuck in my head and it won't change to a different song, because it's not supposed to do that. I don't even like the song "Part of your World." The same thing happens with a song from Snow White. It always changes to one of the songs from Fiddler on the Roof:

♪ With a smile and a sooong 
Life is just like a bright sunny day 
Your cares fade away
and your heart is youuuung.
Whooo could see that a maaan would come
who could chaaaange the shape of my DREEEEEAMMMMS? 

Urgh now I've got that stuck in my head. How does stuff get stuck in the head? Why can't I just turn it off? It's my brain, you'd think I'd have control over it. I can get it out by listening to a different song, but then I just have a different song stuck in my head, and that's not the same thing as not having anything stuck in my head. And the worst part is, I've got it stuck in my head with Snow White's deranged chipmunk voice. It's disgusting. Although, even though I can't turn off the song in my head, maybe I could try to think it in someone else's voice, like Benedict Cumberbatch or Alan Rickman. By the way, Benedict Cumberbatch can do a brilliant impression of Alan Rickman's voice. It's on youtube. 

Sometimes if I watch too much of one TV show I start thinking in one of the characters' voices. Like one time I watched about fifty episodes of Get Smart before bed, and then I was trying to say Bedtime Prayers silently in my head and they kept coming in Maxwell Smart's voice. It's kind of horrible when I watch too much Batman. Then when I say Bedtime Prayers I'm thinking "Holy Mary, mother of God!" in my head in Burt Ward's voice. 

There was one time where me and my family were hooked on the show Burn Notice, and after watching about five hundred episodes, I kept narrating how to do whatever I happen to be doing inside my head. That's an awkward sentence. That's another one that would be better like a mathematical expression. 

"After watching about five hundred episodes, I kept (narrating)inside my head how to do whatever I happened to be doing."

That's a lot less visually challenging. See English should be a lot more like math. I always think of that when there's an adjective in front of a list of nouns like this: 

"Get me some green beans, potatoes, and carrots." 

Does he want the potatoes and carrots to be green too, or is it just the beans? That's a bad example because potatoes and carrots aren't green to my knowledge, unless every single person in Whole World is color blind. That would be weird. But if, hypothetically (or not, if we actually are color blind), potatoes and carrots did have the option of being green, how would I know whether to get green potatoes and carrots, or regular potatoes and carrots? If he wanted green potatoes and carrots and was writing it in a grocery list, he could put it like this: "Get me some green (beans, potatoes, carrots)." Then I could use the Distributive Property to deduce that he wants green beans, green potatoes, AND green carrots. 

I'm not a huge math person. I'm all right at it, not brilliant or anything, and I don't LOVE it, I just think some basic algebra would simplify the English Language by about a million lightyears. 

But I'm officially tired now, so I'm off to bed. Good night!

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