Thursday, May 16, 2013

Geek Shopping

I went shopping today. Normally I hate shopping, but today I found a good pair of jeans that had no holes in it, fit me, was the same sort of wash I was looking for, look like a million bucks on me, and THEY ONLY COST EIGHT DOLLARS. Plus I found two Batman T-shirts and one Superman T-shirt, which I bought, so now I have four total Batman shirts and one Superman T-shirt. Now all I need is a Lord of the Rings T-shirt and a Harry Potter T-shirt. My goal is to stock up on Geek T-Shirts and wear one every Friday, because it will be AWESOME.

Actually, geek isn't the right word. I think a geek is somebody who likes and understands science and math and computers, and a nerd is someone who likes and understands superheros and Lord of the Rings and stuff. And then a dork is just a weirdo. So "dork" could potentially cover geeks and nerds.

I remember hearing that the word "geek" used to mean a circus dude that cuts off a chicken's head and drinks out the blood. Excuse me while I dictionary that. 


geek (gek) n. A carnival performer who publicly bites off the head of a live animal, as a chicken, as a sensational spectacle. [Prob. var. of Brit. dial. geck fool]. 

I'm trying to figure out what that last part means. Probably, variation, of British, dial? geck fool. What's a geck fool? Scuse me while I dictionary that. It's not in the dictionary. I'll Bing it. Hang on. Ok "geck" is a Scottish verb that means "to mock." So a "geck fool" is a fool that is mocked I guess.

If the word "geek" is derived from "geck" then I guess people thought that carnival geeks were idiots, so they started calling them that. A lot of people think lawyers are jerks, so maybe in a few decades the word "jerk" will mean "lawyer." That would be a little sad. 

Oh by the way the Bat-Blog has a new look. I hope you like it, because I like it and I don't plan on changing it till I feel like it. I thought I'd give it a present, since it was a month old on Tuesday. 

Anyhoo, I'm hungry. Toodle pip!

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