Tuesday, May 14, 2013

More on Pesticide and Cannibalism

Today I read a chapter in my Agriculture class about a man who discovered that a certain kind of genetically modified corn, which is basically a self-pesticidal corn, is killing off monarch butterflies. 

An environmental protection organization found out and apparently they freaked out, because it proved that the EPA doesn't check to make sure that their pesticides won't kill off monarch butterflies "and other insects."

I'm also very concerned about this. First thing tomorrow, I'm going to call the EPA and complain. 

Me: Hey, did yall know your insecticide is killing insects?

EPA: oh, no we didn't. our bad. 

Me: Yah, well, your insecticide is killing off insects. 

EPA: We are so sorry. It won't happen again. 

Me: See that it bloody doesn't. 

Sometimes people just make me go "WHA?" People are weird. If the EPA can't make an insecticide that kills insects, then we all might as well just move to South Korea. Is it North Korea? I think it's South. The communist one, I mean. I don't remember. I should know that, but in my defense, I don't. 

I think instead of using pesticides, we should breed Guardian Bugs to protect the plants from Predator Bugs. Although if life is anything like a depressing futuristic novel, it'll just end with one of the Guardian Bugs realizing that they're being indoctrinated, and starting a revolution against the Humans. And then we'll all die, because Humans are bad, and Nature is good. 

That sounds like Animal Farm. I remember reading the last sentence about how the men and the pigs looked exactly the same, and I almost wet myself, it was so freaky and weird. 

I was talking to my brother Thomas the other day, and we were wondering what it would be like if pigs ate human-bacon instead of humans eating pig-bacon. Is there some kind of meat on a human that's equivalent to bacon? I don't remember where on a pig bacon comes from. You can't get bacon from cows or chickens, so maybe humans don't have bacon. That sucks, because if I were stranded on a desert island with somebody and was forced to resort to cannibalism, I'd want the bacon part. 

I wonder if anybody's ever been stranded on a desert island by himself and had to resort to cutting off a foot and eating it like the guy in that one Bugs Bunny cartoon. I suppose you could do that, but you would probably bleed to death, but at least you get a last meal before you die. You are what you eat. HA HA. 

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