Here's an interesting bit of useless information.
In the BBC show Sherlock, Benedict Cumberbatch plays Sherlock, and in Star Trek: Into Darkness, he plays Kahn, who is a Kahn man. HA HA!
Sherlock + Kahn = Shere Khan (ish)
Also, before we find out his name's Kahn, his first name is John, which is the name of John Watson who co-stars in Sherlock.
John Watson is played by Martin Freeman, and in Cabin Pressure, Benedict Cumberbatch plays Martin.
Martin Freeman plays JOHN Watson, and Bilbo. Bilbo is a character from The Hobbit. The Hobbit was written by JOHN R.R. Tolkien.
Martin Freeman plays Tim in the British version of The Office. British Tim is equivalent to American Jim in the American version of The Office. Jim is played by JOHN Krasinski.
I saw Star Trek this evening, which has Benedict Cumberbatch/Sherlock/Kahn/Shere Khan/John in it, and the lady who sold me my ticket looked a bit like Molly from Sherlock.
In the new Sherlock Holmes telly show called Elementary, apparently the name of the actor playing Sherlock is JONNY Lee Miller.
In Elementary, because for some reason they decided to make Dr. Watson a lady, her name is now JOAN Watson. JOAN Watson is a character in Elementary, which is about Sherlock Holmes. Benedict Cumberbatch is an actor in Sherlock, which is also about Sherlock Holmes. Benedict Cumberbatch is also in Cabin Pressure. Stephanie Cole is also in Cabin Pressure. Stephanie Cole is also in Doc Martin and she plays Auntie JOAN.
Doc MARTIN's name is MARTIN, just like MARTIN Freeman, who is in Sherlock and plays JOHN, which stars Benedict Cumberbatch, who is also in Cabin Pressure playing MARTIN. Cabin Pressure also stars JOHN Finnemore.
This is way too much fun.
Benedict Cumberbatch also plays William Pitt in Amazing Grace, which is about Getting Rid Of The Slave Trade. This was in a way a step towards getting the slaves FREE. Benedict Cumberbatch co-stars with Martin FREEman in Sherlock.
Amazing Grace stars Ioan Gruffudd, which is An Excellently Weird Name.
I feel like Batman and Robin solving one of The Riddler's riddles. They get the most obscure answer possible for every riddle.
Like for instance here's the Best One Ever. I don't remember it word for word, but here's the general idea:
Robin: Gosh I wish I could figure out that riddle.
Batman: Hmmm. Maybe if we combine the answers to each of the previous four riddles, it'll give us the answer.
Robin: Hmmmm.
Batman: If we take the first letter from each answer to the four riddles and match it with its corresponding number based on its position in the alphabet...
Robin: That's 36.
Batman: What does the number 36 mean to you, Robin?
Robin: Well, 36 inches equals three feet.
Batman: And who has three feet?
Robin: Hmm, no one.
Batman: MAN. Isn't there a new factory downtown called "The Noman Jigsaw Puzzle Factory"?
Robin: Yes! You're right Batman! That must be where the Riddler's new headquarters is!
Batman: Precisely, Robin!
It's way better if you can actually watch them go through this thought process, but you get the idea.
Oh, here's another good one:
Batman (reading the riddle): "What kind of company sells eggs that you can't fry, poach, or scramble?"
Robin (thinks for a millisecond): A FISH egg company!
Batman: Precisely, Robin!
haha. Ok last one:
Batman (reading the riddle): "When is the time on the clock like the whistle of a train?"
Robin (thinks for a millisecond): When it's two to two! TWOO TWOO TWOO!!
And that, folks, is why Adam West can kick Christian Bale's Bat-but all the way up that mountain he had to climb up in the beginning of Batman Begins.
Good night!
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