Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Two Towers: The Musical

Previously on "The Lord of the Rings: The Musical"

The Fellowship had a Rest Stop during which Boromir tried to take the Ring from Frodo. Frodo ran away, and decided to go to Mordor alone. Sam went with him. Then the Remaining Fellowship is attacked by Orcs. The Orcs kill Boromir and capture Merry and Pippin. Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas decide to pursue the Orcs.

Act 1: Pursuing the Orcs ("The Age of Not Believing" from "Bed-knobs and Broomsticks" This one is dedicated to my brother Thomas, Mary you know what I'm talking about)

(Legolas and Gimli)

♫ When you run around
in hopeless circles
searching everywhere
for captive friends
you're at the age of seeking Hobbits
It seems it never never ends...

You must face the age 
of seeking Hobbits
Hoping Eomer 
has some good news
Alas! he says the Orcs were slaughtered
And that no Hobbit came to view...

Act 2: The Taming of Smeagol ("Matchmaker, Matchmaker" from "The Fiddler on the Roof")


♫ Hobbitses, Hobbitses, 
be nice to us
We'll be nice too
Promise, no fuss. 
Hobbitses, Hobbitses, take of the rope, 
We'll be nice, be nice to us.

Hobbitses, Hobbitses, 
we'll show the way
up up the stairs
Past the Black Gate
We'll show the way through the tunnel and more
we swears on the Precious. 

♫ Dear Frodo, 
I do not trust him-

♫ I know, Sam. 
But we don't have a choice. 
We're lost and
I've got a feeling
That he will not kill us 
Relax, rejoice! 

♫ Hobbitses, Hobbitses,
thank you so much!
Nice Hobbitses,
Friendly and such
Hobbitses, Hobbitses
Follow us now, 
We will not hurt you, 
That we vow! 

(Non-Musical part: Merry and Pippin escape before Eomer and the Rohirrim come and destroy the Orcs)

Act 3: Treebeard ("Hakuna Matata" from "The Lion King")


♫ Don't be hasty
what a wonderful phrase!
Don't be hasty
ain't no passin' craze.

It means no hurries
for the rest of your days
it's my problem-free
don't be hasty 

Merry: Don't be hasty?
Treebeard: Yep. It's my motto. 
Pippin: What's a motto?
Treebeard: Nothin! What's a motto with you? HA HA HA HA HA! Ya know guys? These three words will solve allll your problems. Take me, for example. Why, 

♫ when I was a young Treebeard 

♫ When you were a young Treebeeeeeeeard!!!

Merry: Very nice. 
Pippin: Thanks!

♫ The Entwives got lost and I was so very sad
I could find almost nothing that would make me glad.
I'm a sensitive soul, though I seem thick-skinned. 
And it hurt
So that I went beserk 

And woe was me! 

♫ Oh yes, woe was he! 

♫ Thought I'd make like a tree!

♫ I thought you were a tree?

♫ And I got down-hearted!

♫ how did you feel?

♫ Every time that I-

Merry: Treebeard! not in front of the kids!
Treebeard: Oh, sorry. 

(Treebeard, Merry and Pippin)
♫ Don't be hasty,
what a wonderful phrase
Don't be hasty,
Ain't no passin craze!

It means no hurries
for the rest of our days
It's our problem-free
Don't be hasty!

(Non-Musical Part: Frodo, Sam and Smeagol meet Faramir)

Act IV: Faramir Tries To Decide What To Do ("Reflection" from "Mulan")

♫ Look at me,
I will never pass for a perfect son
or a perfect Captain, 
can it be
I'm not meant to play this part? 
Now I see
That if I decided to take the Ring, 
It would please my father's heart.

Who is that man I see?
Staring straight 
back at me? 
Why is my reflection someone I don't know?
I think that I'll decide
they can go 
I don't mind. 
I will let the Hobbits go, 
tell my Dad, "I trieed." 
I will let the Hobbits go,
tell my Dad, "I tried."

(Non-musical part: Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas find out Gandalf's alive, and that Merry and Pippin are safe)

Act V: Gandalf the White ("You Can Fly" from "Peter Pan")

Aragorn: But, Gandalf,you're not Grey anymore!

Gandalf: I'm White,of course!

Legolas: Why?

Gandalf: I'll tell you! I'm White

Gimli: What's the matter? Don't you know?

Gandalf: Oh, sure. It's just I've never thought about it before...Hey, that's it! It's because now I'm the Boss. 

Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli: Saruman isn't now the Boss?

Gandalf: uhuh. 

Aragorn: So you've got more power now? You can make fire? Set things aglow?

Gandalf: Yep! Watch me now: here I go!

Legolas: He is White!

Gimli: He is White! 

Aragorn: He is White!

Gandalf: Ok! off to Rohan!

♫ When there's a smile in your heart
There's no better time to start!
Frodo will destroy the Ring, 
We will go and free the king
of Rohan from the Bad Guys!

I am White! 
I am White!
I am White! 
I am White!
I am White! 

(Non-musical Part: Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli go to Rohan, free Theoden from Saruman, and get rid of Wormtongue. Frodo and Sam continue following Smeagol, but Smeagol has a plan to kill them. Entmoot. The People of Rohan go to Helms Deep and prepare for battle against the Orcs)

Act VI: The Battle of Helms Deep ("Getting to Know You" from "The King and I")

(Good Guys addressing the Orcs)
♫ Getting to kill you
Getting to kill and destroy you
Getting to maim you
Getting to hope you don't maim me

Getting to kill you
Killing you my way
But nicely
You aren't precisely
My cup of tea.

Getting to kill you
So we can live free and easy
When I can kill you
Letting you know that you'll pay

Haven't you noticed?
Suddenly I'm mad and angry!
Because of all 
Jeopardy and Doom
Caused only by you

Non-Musical Part: Rohan wins. 

The End

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