I just finished my Food Law and Regulation exam! Hooray! And I think I didn't not do pretty well. I'm not sure if the colors with which I passed were flying, but they were at least falling with style. So now I've got an hour to kill before I have my Communication class debate. Then I'll be done with communication forever. Hooray!
On an unrelated note, it is hot. For my Agriculture final, we walked around and looked at strawberries and horses and sheep and oranges and it was hot. Then I walked to my food final and it was hot. And it's still hot. My sweat is sweating. And it doesn't help that I haven't showered in a couple of days. I feel like Deep Fried Hell.
So, to reward myself for being hot and amazing at taking food finals, I bought myself an iced tea, and it is delicious. Tomorrow I will be taking my Political Science exam and finishing up an essay for my Agriculture class, then I'll be done with everything educational forever until September, except for just showing up to my other food class for a guest lecturer in order to not fail the class, but that's a no-brainer which is good because by then I will have no brain.
I have an Epic Celebration Plan for Wednesday when I'm done with everything, and it has to do with Cabin Pressure again because I'm still hooked. For those of you who aren't familiar with Cabin Pressure, again, it's a radio sitcom about an airline starring two pilots, the manager, and the steward. One of the pilots, who by the way is played by Benedict Cumberbatch who is awesome, is the Captain Pilot, but everybody always thinks that the other Pilot is the Captain Pilot, so in one episode, Benedict Cumberbatch considers writing the word "captain" on his head with lipstick because he's tired of people not thinking he's the Captain.
That was good fun, but then I thought about it for a bit, and writing on your own forehead with lipstick sounds very difficult. So, on Wednesday, when I've got the whole day to kill, I'm going to the 99 cent store and buying some 99 cent lipstick, and I'm going to try writing stuff on my head with it to see how hard it is and it will be Jolly Good Fun. I'm assuming the Captain wasn't going to use a mirror, because men don't usually carry mirrors with them and I don't know if there are mirrors in the flight deck of a jet, so I'm not going to use a mirror when I try. But then again, I don't think men usually carry lipstick with them either, so I don't know. But I'll do it without a mirror anyway, because that'll be more fun.
Anyhoo, must be going. Toodle pip!
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